Results: 1-20 of 49

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1L&S Summer Term: Links and Resources118900L&S KB2024-08-193438
2L&S Summer Budget Proposals85475L&S KB2024-09-1910860
3Instructional Staffing Request Form - L&S119153L&S KB2025-01-096509
4Communications from L&S Teaching & Learning Administration116656L&S KB2025-01-276904
5L&S Summer Term Planning, Implementation, and Budgets21681L&S KB2024-08-1914509
6L&S Summer Instructional Appointments: Policy and Guidance85547L&S KB2024-12-1712836
7Summer Collegiate Experience132475L&S KB2024-09-302260
8L&S Standard Rates for Short-term Instructional Staff (STS) and Student Assistants28638L&S KB2025-02-0452302
9L&S Recommended Summer Sessions for Course Scheduling94506L&S KB2024-09-185298
10Summer Term: Details on Financial and Expense Reports121473L&S KB2024-08-193352
11Early Summer Advertising (Summer Course Guide Preview)129918L&S KB2024-09-19963
12Summer Accounting in L&S85476L&S KB2024-01-115157
13UW-Madison Summer Session Final Exam Information21659L&S KB2019-12-095948
14L&S Credit Limits in Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms21177L&S KB2024-12-1720762
15UWMSN - JEMS Hire - Summer Appointments64111HR COP2024-11-077486
16L&S Summer HR Compensation Policies and Practices117362L&S KB2024-08-193309
172024 Summer Payroll for Centralized Departments [Campus login required]24025L&S KB2024-07-084165
18General Student Services Fund Summer Employment107924Associated Students of Madison2020-12-161361
19L&S Recruitment of Short-Term Staff37654L&S KB2024-06-2420771
20Curricular Build - Summer Call127599Office of the Registrar2025-02-071176
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