Results: 1-20 of 76

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1DoIT Departmental Tech Support - Employee Workstations (On & Off-boarding)136543DoIT Departmental Support2025-01-23310
2Best Practices for Creating and Maintaining an L&S Board of Visitors [Campus login required]22739L&S KB2021-11-1835
3[659] Shiny Board (4' x 4' Bounce Board with Junior Yoke)135347CommArts IMC2025-01-24178
4Bulletin Board Policy144126Mead Witter School of Music2024-11-01236
52220V Smart Board Guide49313School of Pharmacy2024-09-301642
6Athletic Board Application FAQs32956The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2024-07-116900
7Institutional Review Board Guidance for Pharmacy-Based Projects92555UW Health Pharmacy2024-04-081589
8Student Activity Center Governing Board / ASM85407Associated Students of Madison2022-11-153667
9ECMS - Introduction to Imaging Service Onboarding41429ECMS2025-02-057349
10Current Eloqua User Groups on Campus [Campus login required]110168Eloqua Marketing Automation2025-01-273411
11BOR [Glossary]20658L&S KB2023-06-026175
12[659] 4' x 8' Foamcore Bounce Board135342CommArts IMC2025-01-24179
13WSUM Governance Board93711Associated Students of Madison2023-10-042742
14Dean of Students Advisory Board93701Associated Students of Madison2022-08-012971
15COVID-19 Student Advisory Board106945Associated Students of Madison2022-03-021954
16How to Prepare an IRS Deduction Letter for a L&S Board Member [Campus login required]22743L&S KB2021-11-181
17Single Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Multi-Site Federal Grants Policy73991VCRGE and Graduate School2020-11-246712
18ASA Document 665A. Resolution Opposing the Board of Regents Action Regarding Regent Policy Document on Commitment to Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression80156The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132392
19ASA Document 665. Resolution on Board of Regents Actions Regarding Regent Policy Document on Commitment to Academic Freedom of Expression92413The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-131937
20ASA Document 505. Athletic Board Report35029The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132248
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