Results: 1-20 of 27

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1Canvas - Crosslisting/Merging a Canvas Course [UW-Madison]62777Learn@UW-Madison2024-06-1157715
2Canvas - Pedagogical Reasons for Cross-listing (UW-Madison)138243Learn@UW-Madison2024-07-2572
3KB User's Guide - Settings Tab - Searching / Sorting Options5342KB User's Guide2023-12-1833303
4KB User's Guide - General Info - KnowledgeBase Search Tips44333KB User's Guide2023-07-2426644
5What are cross-listed and meets-with courses21663L&S KB2024-07-0974343
6Lumen Courses: How to De-cross-list your Subject from a Course116177Lumen and Guide2024-06-111938
7Procedures: University Course Catalog Elements, Course Numbers, and Honors Designations108469Academic Planning2024-07-197689
8HelioCampus AC - Eval Survey Instance - Assigning Course Sections to a Survey (Admin) [UW-Madison]84281Learn@UW-Madison2024-06-207695
9KB User's Guide - Settings Tab - Group Spaces Screen18597KB User's Guide2024-05-0727330
10KnowledgeBase Search Tips14KB User's Guide2023-12-19131020
11Canvas - My students can't see other sections students of a cross-listed course. [UW-Madison]75438Learn@UW-Madison2023-02-083300
12Cross-Campus Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Committee Charter29791VCRGE and Graduate School2020-11-237485
13OnCore: UW Health/SMPH Research Operations Committee (UROC) [Campus login required]128384SMPH Research Informatics 2024-07-26318
14Canvas - How Automated Course and Section Creation Works [UW-Madison]65870Learn@UW-Madison2024-07-2513528
15Canvas - Requesting to Rename a Course [UW-Madison]94013Learn@UW-Madison2024-07-252192
16The Learner Activity View for Advisors (LAVA) Overview123619Learning Analytics2024-01-082031
17KB User's Guide - General Info - Live Search Results Screen and Its Features15404KB User's Guide2023-12-0538509
18Using SAS Enterprise Guide114987Data KB2023-11-144976
19Professor Wattiaux's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Publication List51831Dairy Nutrient2023-07-035220
20Canvas - Known Issue - Students Can't View Embedded Images [UW-Madison]86127Learn@UW-Madison2023-02-0838061
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