Results: 1-20 of 51

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1DoIT Shared Tools - JIRA - Service Description and Policies19795Shared Tools2024-02-1510403
2UW–Madison National Science Foundation (NSF) Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Requirement33280VCRGE and Graduate School2023-05-2424389
3University Directory Service (UDS) - Responsible Use54905Identity and Access Management2022-05-253817
4Responsible Use and Data Maintenance Statement102950Salesforce - UW-Madison, Strategic Partnerships 2022-01-11577
5Responsible Conduct of Research34483VCRGE and Graduate School2018-04-0612222
6Role Responsible and Accountable for Business Associate Agreements130207Center for Healthy Minds2023-08-08138
7UW–Madison United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Requirements35690VCRGE and Graduate School2023-05-1211585
8Did SAE Occur at your site or at a site for which the PI is responsible?99476SMPH Research Informatics 2022-10-05208
9UW-Madison - IT - UDS Responsible Use Policy59269IT Policy2022-08-319656
10Bucky Backup Lite - Service Description25400Bucky Backup2024-04-029080
11Bucky Backup Enterprise - Service Description25399Bucky Backup2024-04-028839
12NIH Training Topics33279VCRGE and Graduate School2024-03-2014605
13Bucky Backup Service - Terms of Use25397Bucky Backup2024-03-137778
14Prevent Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence at UW-Madison for Faculty and Staff [UW-Madison]73990Learn@UW-Madison2023-11-1312488
15UW-Madison Google Workspace - Terms of Use42187UW Google Apps2023-07-1916617
16UW System - Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources77359IT Policy2022-08-316474
17University Policies50255Learning Resources2022-01-1812734
18Research Policy, Compliance, and Safety Training Courses35280VCRGE and Graduate School2021-12-288180
19Bucky Backup Archive - Service Description38755Bucky Backup2017-08-028037
20Web Hosting - Terms of Use44461DoIT Web Hosting2024-07-2311293
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