Topics Map > Office of Cybersecurity > Cyber Risk Management & Compliance
Topics Map > Office of Cybersecurity > Tools and Software > OneTrust
OneTrust - Using the Risk Dashboard
The Risks by Stage and Level graph displays the risk levels and stages of the risk. Stages are organized into four categories: Identified, Evaluation, Treatment, and Monitoring. Risk levels are organized into four categories: Low, Medium, High, and Very High. You can hover over the graph to view the number of risks per level.
The Risks by Organization and Level graph displays the risk levels by organization. Risk levels organized into four categories: Low, Medium, High, and Very High. You can hover over the graph to view the risk levels for each organization on your account.
Control Effectiveness by Framework, Status by Framework, Count of Controls, and Controls by Source Type
The Control Effectiveness by Framework graph displays the control effectiveness by framework.
The Control Status by Framework graph displays the current status of all controls per framework.
The Count of Controls graph displays all controls recorded in your account.
The Controls by Source Type graph displays all controls by source. Sources may include: assets, entities, processing activities, risks, and vendor.