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1Password - Use Custom Groups in 1Password
With 1Password, custom groups make it easy to manage your team by project, department, or location. Learn how to manage group members and the Vaults they have access to.
Group Types Request a Group Manage Group access to Vaults Manage group membership
Group Types
1Password Group
Groups can be created and managed within 1Password. Users are added as members or managers. Managers are the Group owners and are responsible for maintaining the Group in 1Password. Groups can be assigned specific permissions to Vaults. Every member of the Group will then receive those permissions within the Vault. Multiple groups can be added to a Vault to differentiate permissions. For example, a "users" Group may give the ability to view passwords while a "managers" Group may give the ability to update passwords. For details on permissions, see 1Password - Create, share, and manage Vaults
1Password admins will create the Group and then assign it to the users responsible for managing it.
Manifest Group
Manifest groups can be synced to 1Password to automatically invite users and assign permissions to Vaults. This setup will use a Manifest group managed by your team that contains users who should have similar access to a Vault. Multiple Manifest Groups can be synced to 1Password, and multiple Groups can be added to a Vault.
1Password admins will use your new or existing Manifest group to setup the synchronization to 1Password.
Request a Group
Currently, only 1Password administrators have the ability to create Groups. Reach out at with any questions or to request a new Group.
1Password Group
To request a 1Password Group, send the following to
- Group Name
- 2+ users responsible for managing the 1Password group
Manifest Group Sync
To request syncing of a Manifest group to 1Password, send the following to
- Path to your existing Manifest Group. ex.
- This Group is fully managed and updated by your team. You are responsible for maintaining accurate membership.
- The Group will be nested in another that validates eligibility. The parent group is what will actually sync to 1Password and will be named similar to your Manifest group. ex. uw:app:1password:groups:demo-it
- Group Name
- This is for documentation purposes and the group name synced to 1Password may differ slightly.
- Division or Department to associate with the Group
- For documentation purposes.
- 2+ users responsible for managing your Groups.
- For documentation purposes, so 1Password admins know who to contact if there are issues.
Manage Group access to Vaults
You can give everyone in a group access to specific Vaults and assign Vault permissions, like the ability to create and remove items from the Vault.
To add or remove group access to a Vault, click Manage in the Vaults section. Select or deselect Vaults, then click Update Vaults.
To change Vault permissions for the Group, click the three dot button next to the Vault name, then select or deselect permissions from the list.
If a team member has Vault permissions individually and as part of a Group, the most permissive of the two will always be used. Learn more about vault permissions.
Manage Group membership
For 1Password Groups, not Manifest.
Users who have the Manager role in a Group can update other members. To add people to a group, click Manage in the People section. Search and select the team members to add, then click Update Group Members.
To manage a group member, click the three dot button next to their name:
- To promote them to group manager, choose Manager.
- To remove them from the group, choose Remove from Group.
Team members can belong to multiple groups, and there is no limit to the size of a group.
Important Note from UW Health: Please DO NOT store credentials for UW Health or Meriter systems in 1Password.