Endpoint Security - FAQ for the Endpoint Protection Project

This document contains frequently asked questions about the summer 2020 Endpoint Protection Project, which includes the migration from Symantec to other various security solutions.

Q: Now that Symantec is going away, where can I learn which antivirus product I should use?
A: It differs depending on the device, and whether the device is university-owned or not. The Cybersecurity Roadmap document covers which antivirus tools to use on each type of device for both students and staff.

Q: Will Symantec go away automatically? Do I have to uninstall it?
A: Symantec will not automatically go away on the license expiration date, it needs to be uninstalled. For university owned devices, in many situations your IT administrator will handle the removal.  If you are unclear on what you are responsible for doing, please contact your IT support for clarification. For personally owned devices, we ask that you take steps to remove Symantec. Articles on uninstalling Symantec are available for both Windows and Mac.

Q: I have a university-owned device, but it is treated like a personal device (I am responsible for managing and patching it). What should I do? 
A: Reach out to your IT admin about which antivirus solution would work best for your situation. Your IT Admin can contact Cybersecurity at cybersecurity@cio.wisc.edu for guidance if they are unsure of what solution is right.

Q: I want to replace Symantec on my personally owned Mac with Trend Micro Antivirus. Will I need a Trend Micro account?
A: You do need a Trend Micro account to successfully run and operate Trend Micro antivirus on your Mac. However, it is quite easy to set up a Trend Micro account during the installation process outlined here.

Q: Can I install Trend Micro on a University owned device?
A: No. Our Trend Micro license is limited to use on personal devices at this time.

KeywordsSymantec expire license expiration amp cisco trend micro university owned BYOD endpoint protection project summer 2020   Doc ID103327
OwnerRachel L.GroupCybersecurity
Created2020-06-24 13:08:42Updated2023-08-07 13:24:27
SitesOffice of Cybersecurity
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