University Committee Meeting Minutes 2013-04-15

approved April 24, 2013
April 15, 2013

Present: Bernard-Donals, Cook, Fair, Lipton, Petty, Scheufele

1. The meeting began at 1:00 p.m.
2. The University Committee recommends that faculty members be added to the membership of the University International Travel Committee; the UC will suggest names of faculty. 
3. The University Committee will recommend to the chief information officer that technology matters related to the Academic Excellence initiatives be vetted by IT staff who represent faculty. 
(Lipton departed at 2:17 p.m.)
4. There was unanimous support to extend the time line for the creation of a new campus diversity plan to allow the ad hoc committee “to get its arms around” a definition for diversity and to permit the new chancellor to weigh in on the proposed diversity plan.
5. CTC annual report: The committee urged the dissenting student member of the CTC to work with the ASM shared governance chair to re-write her critiques of the CTC and its annual report as an additional section to the report. The comments would be as a future-looking narrative of issues that the student(s) member(s) would like the committee to address/resolve during the coming year. 
[depart Fair] 
6. Motion to convene in closed session: Bernard-Donals/Scheufele. Unanimous. 
7. Reconvene in open session
8. Motion by Bernard-Donals, second by Petty to approve the minutes of the 8 April 2013 meeting. Unanimous. 
9. Motion by Bernard-Donals, second by Petty, that the Diversity Plan Ad Hoc Committee is at the point where it no longer needs a core team and that from this point forward, as deemed necessary by the ad hoc committee’s co-chairs, that the ad hoc committee should utilize individuals identified by the co-chairs to provide logistical support to advance the ad hoc committee’s work. Unanimous. 
10. It was agreed by unanimous consent that the time line for the creation of a new diversity plan should be decoupled from the fall diversity forum being planned by the vice provost for diversity and climate. Cook will share this agreement with the provost. 
The meeting adjourned at 4:52 p.m. 

Minutes submitted by David Musolf, secretary of the faculty emeritus.

KeywordsUniversity Committee   Doc ID61972
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2016-03-16 12:23:09Updated2023-07-17 14:22:06
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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