WiscWeb - Site launch
In this document, you will find lists of the various KnowledgeBase documents that relate to launching a website in WiscWeb.
- Pre-launch steps: Preparing for launch
- Steps to request a site launch: WiscWeb - Steps to request a website launch
- Launch requests: Launch request form
- Frequently asked questions: WiscWeb - Site launch FAQ
- Updating permalink/slug values: WiscWeb - Updating Permalink (Slug) Value
- Domain naming guidelines for WiscWeb: WiscWeb - Domain naming Guidelines for WiscWeb
- Redirection plugin for setting redirects: WiscWeb - Redirection plugin setup
- Creating a custom 404 page: WiscWeb - Creating a Custom 404 Page
- Vanity URL limitations: WiscWeb - Vanity URLs
Google Analytics
- Adding Google Analytics to your site: WiscWeb - Adding Google Services to your UW Theme WordPress site
- Frequently asked questions: WiscWeb - Site launch FAQ
- Unknown login key error: WiscWeb - "Unknown login key" error
- Edits not found (page caching errors): WiscWeb - Edits Not Showing Up
- Fixing -2 page URL issue: WiscWeb - Updating Permalink (Slug) Value