Expt running content - Participant History survey

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If this is the participant's first visit, or their first visit in a while, they will complete the Participant History survey:

Fill out the first page, click >>, then move the window to the participant's screen.

"Next you'll fill out a short survey. It asks for some demographic information we have to report, and also some other information we think is useful to our research."


If they ask: "I wear glasses. Is that a vision impairment?" The answer is YES.

One question asks, "what cities or towns have you lived in?" They should list anywhere that they lived for at least 1 year, including Madison if they go to college here.

Keywordsembedded, participant history, history, survey, qualtrics   Doc ID117680
OwnerChris N.GroupSMNG Lab Manual
Created2022-03-31 09:54:04Updated2023-02-23 13:55:52
SitesSpeech Motor Neuroscience Group
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