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SMPH Interactive Learning Center (ILC) Information and Configurations

The HSLC Interactive Learning Center is able to be reserved through the Medical Education Office. This document outlines ILC quadrant capacities, furniture configuration options, and AV support information.

ILC Information and Configurations

ILC Reservation Questions:

The Interactive Learning Center (ILC) in the Health Sciences Learning Center is a flexible learning space comprised of four separate quadrants from 3110A through 3110D, each with its own independent A/V system, tabling, chairs, and whiteboards. You can reserve the space in a variety of configurations outlined within the ILC use request form.

A/V support for the ILC are limited to staffing hours of 7:30 AM – 5 PM Monday – Friday. A helpful user’s guide is posted in each quadrant for your convenience outside of those hours. There is also a tables/chairs diagram for you to reference when you return the room to its original layout after your event.

The available configurations include all quadrants combined; any quadrant singly; or the A&C, B&D, A&B, or C&D quadrants combined.

The A and C quadrants can seat 64 attendees each
The B and D quadrants can seat 96 attendees each
Going beyond these numbers requires additional quadrants, which will be automatically assigned until the 320-seat limit is reached.

The Classroom and A/V Services team will have the wall partitions between each room properly configured prior to the start-time of the event. People using the room are allowed to move tables and chairs into any sort of configuration they desire. Please note that the tables are wired into floor boxes and can only move a foot or two in any direction before it becomes necessary to unplug them; we kindly ask you to plug them back in when you are finished.

Extra tables, chairs, announcement boards, garbage cans, and the like can be reserved via your online reservations account.

Food and alcohol can be served in the ILC under special circumstances, the details of which are found at the bottom of the reservation form. Users must leave their quadrants in a clean and tidy condition when they’re done using them, absent of all garbage; failure to do so will result in you and/or your department getting billed by the SMPH for cleaning and resetting time.


ILC Quadrant

Image of ILC 1 quadrant set in table groupings

ILC Lectrure Set-Up

Image of ILC 4 quadrants set in lecture/theater format


Image of ILC 4 quadrants with tables and chairs facing  forward in a Workshop/Classroom format

Interactive Learning Center ILC Reservation Configurations 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Lizzy W. in SMPH
School of Medicine and Public Health