Project Background
When and why is this happening?
Planning for this project began formally in Fall 2021. Our OASIS contract had ended earlier, but we continued on a year-to-year basis over the pandemic due to workload concerns. Driving factors included desire for better interface for students and faculty, and need for more reliable data for analytics.
How will this affect my unit?
Our first priority is replacing functionality for the MD program that is in OASIS and can be replaced with Acuity. OASIS will continue to operate alongside Acuity for at least a couple of years. It is expected that all programs will use Acuity for clinical training management and assessment in the future.
Who is working on the project?
The core team who managed the vendor assessment and selection process included Project Manager Jim Thompson from OSC, Jeff Korab and Elizabeth Simcock from SMPH IT, and Elizabeth Tuschen and Sherryl Pertzborn from Academic Affairs. In implementation this team has expanded to include Kristin Simon from SMPH IT.