Acuity One45 - Phase 2 Clinical Rotation Scheduling
Rotations Scheduling: Overview and Navigation
Rotation Scheduling: Navigation to Parent-Location Courses
The Lottery will automatically populate the Parent Course – Location within the Phase 2 scheduling system. After the lottery population is complete, specific rotations may be assigned.
Child course and specialty rotations should be scheduled under the Parent Course-Location environments.
Phase 2 | *AC-Location (GB, LAX, MAD, MKE, MSH)
Phase 2 | *CPC-Location (GB, LAX, MAD, MKE, MSH)
Phase 2 | *SCOPE-Location (GB, LAX, MAD, MKE, MSH)
Phase 2 | *SPC-Location (GB, LAX, MAD, MKE, MSH)
- On the upper left hand of the screen under eDossier, select the appropriate parent course environment under the first drop down menu.
- Make sure to select the correct year from the second drop down menu.
- Once the correct environment and year are selected, click on Schedules in the top menu.
- Then, select Rotation Schedule in the left blue menu.
- This will bring up the Parent Course schedule with all students in alphabetical order.
Rotation Scheduling: Parent Course Schedule Overview
This section will review the details of the Rotation Schedule and how to filter students for easier navigation.
Please make sure your browser screen is at 100% otherwise, the view of the schedule may be distorted.
Acuity One45 refers to the scheduling intervals as blocks.
- This top level will hold the Parent Course – Location data.
- The second level is six-week blocks. This level is held for events that may span across specialty rotations (e.g. Continuity Clinics)
- The third level is one-week block intervals. This bottom level is where the specialty rotations will be schedule for each student.
The sort screen will assist with re-ordering students to the parameters.
There are two levels to the sort.
First Level:
Name: Student Name (Last, First)
Level: Student Level with lowest level at the top
Second Level:
Int/ext: Refers to if the student is internal or external to the UW Madison Medical Education program
Prg: Sorts students by their program
Blk: Sorts students by blocks
Mix: Sorts internal and external students together alphabetically
Filter Options:
Acuity One45 also has filtering options at the bottom of the Rotation Schedule page.
- Limits the schedule to show only internal or external learners in a specific Phase. After students have been filtered, to return to all students, click the “all students” radio button.
- Filters the schedule to show only learners who are at specific level (graduation year). After students have been filtered, to return to all students, click the “all levels” radio button.
- Filters students by people type (e.g. WARM, TRiUMPH, MSTP, etc.). After students have been filtered, to return to all students, click the “all people types” radio button.
- Filters students by rotation within the environment.
After students have been filtered, to return to all students, click the “all rotations” radio button.
5. Magnetizes the size of the schedules on the screen by changing the scale in the drop-down menu. The default is 3 pixels.
Rotation Scheduling: Entering Rotation Data into the Parent Course Schedule
NOTE: Do Not schedule preceptors and residents at the parent course-Location level. Preceptors and residents will be scheduled on the individual "Location | specialty" schedule.
- To schedule the specialty rotation, click on the row of the student.
- Once the row is selected, the three block levels will show.
- At the third block level (bottom row), select the slot in which the rotation would start. Then, a pop up menu will appear with specific scheduling information.
(1) Choose the Rotation from the “Choose Rotation list”.
Rotations are listed with the following naming convention:
Parent Course – Location Abbreviation | Specialty Abbreviation | Location Long name - Clinic/Hospital
For Example: AC-GB | EM | Green Bay – Aurora BayCare Med Ctr
(2) Choose Preceptors(s)
Preceptors will not be assigned within the Parent Course-Location environment, but rather within the Location-Specialty Environments. This is to accommodate the unique assessment workflow of each Location + specialty.
(3) Schedule:
Under Schedule, a student may be assigned for the currently selected one-week block. If the rotation extends beyond the one-week block, use the drop-down menu to indicate how many weeks the rotation should extend.
If you do not need to add a note, click save. The rotation will appear on the third block row of the student’s overall row.
(4) Notes:
The notes section may be used to track information specific to the student within the One45 System. These notes may be kept internal or may be shared with faculty, students, or both. Multiple users may contribute to a specific student’s note. Only one note is available per student.
(1) Clicking the Student Box allows the student to see the published note. The student can see the note within their My Rotations tab, then under the specific rotation information.
- Once the student clicks on the note, a window will pop up.
- Once the student clicks on the note, a window will pop up.
- (2) More information on faculty notes coming.
- (3) To clear a note, click clear. This will clear the note for all contributors.
Once the note is entered, click save. The rotation will appear on the third block row of the student’s overall row in addition to a little red box.
Rotation Scheduling: Removing a Rotation from the Parent Course schedule
- Rotations can only be removed in one week increments.
- Click on the box with the rotation that needs to be removed.
- This will cause the rotation scheduling menu to pop up.
- Click on remove rotation.
- This will remove the rotation from the student’s schedule.
- If a rotation spanning more than one week needs to be removed, each week block will need to be removed from the student’s schedule.
Questions & Support
For questions and support, please email: