Timeline for Updating Program Handbooks

SMPH program student handbooks will be updated annually. Review will be completed in the spring to ensure all required policies and procedures are present and wording for compliance requirements is concise and accurate.


  1. Request editable copies of student handbooks from all five programs within the first two weeks of January.
  2. Review areas below and return suggested revisions to programs by the start of March.

Areas for Review

SMPH Policies

Programs must include additional information and any applicable academic affairs procedures in student handbooks for the policies listed below.

Doctor of Physical Therapy, Master of Genetic Counselor Studies, Master of Physician Assistant Studies & Master of Public Health
Policy Number Policy Name
SMPH 8005 Student Mistreatment
SMPH 8020 Student Grievances
SMPH 8030 Academic Standards (non-MD)
SMPH 8040 Graduation Standards
SMPH 8060 Student Appeals (non-MD)
SMPH 8070 Professionalism and Misconduct (non-MD)
SMPH 8090 Drug Screening in Health Professions Programs (doesn't apply to MPH)

Doctor of Medicine
Policy Number Policy Name
SMPH 8005 Student Mistreatment
SMPH 8010 Disciplinary Action and Sanctions
SMPH 8020 Student Grievances
SMPH 8040 Graduation Standards
SMPH 8090 Drug Screening in Health Professions Programs

Compliance Requirements

For all programs, compliance requirements and wording provided in student handbooks must be reviewed. Accuracy and wording should be consistent across handbook and compliance tracking services (Exxat or CastleBranch). The following requirements will be reviewed:

  • Immunizations
  • Background Checks
  • Drug Screens
  • Health Insurance
  • Fit Testing
  • Trainings

Note: Not all programs will require all of the above requirements.

compliance, policies, procedures, handbooks, updates 
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Claire F. in SMPH Academic Affairs Resource
SMPH Academic Affairs Resource