Shared Guidelines for Professional Conduct Module

The SMPH Shared Guidelines for Professional Conduct module ensures the entire SMPH community understands the school’s professional standards and how to identify and report mistreatment. Student compliance is tracked in Canvas by the SMPH Compliance Specialist.

All SMPH students are required to complete the Shared Guidelines for Professional Conduct module annually. The module will be released in early October with a completion deadline set towards the end of the month. Compliance for SMPH clinical programs will be tracked by the following process.


  1. Each summer, request student lists from the Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Master of Genetic Counselor Studies (MGCS), Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS), and Master of Public Health Studies (MPH). The lists will need to contain:

    • Cohort name/year

    • Student name

    • Wisc email address.

  1. In October, once training is ready, send email to students informing them of the training module and that they will be added to the Canvas course.


As a student in the School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH), you are required to complete an annual Shared Guidelines for Professional Conduct Module. This module ensures the entire SMPH community understands the school’s professional standards and how to identify and report mistreatment. Mistreatment can be reported through the SMPH Reporting Form.

You have been enrolled in the module and should have received a notification from Canvas to access the course. The module can also be accessed at INCLUDE CANVAS LINK. Please complete the module by DUE DATE. The training will work best when accessed from a computer using Chrome or Firefox rather than a mobile device. To confirm you have completed the module and successfully taken the quiz, please go into the course and select “Grades” from the navigation option on the left side. If you have completed the module, it will say 1/1 under Score. If you have a 0/1 under Score, you will need to go back into the quiz and ensure you answered the question and submitted.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Direct technical questions about the training module to

  1. Send student lists to Educational Technology Consultant ( to add students to Canvas course. This will trigger notifications to go out to students informing them they have been added to the Canvas course for Shared Guidelines for Professional Conduct.

  2. Students will be added by program and cohort so compliance can easily be checked from Canvas grade book.

  3. As needed, the SMPH Compliance Specialist will send notifications to students who are out of compliance with this requirement. Programs will be notified of any students who do not complete the module by the deadline. 

compliance, training, professional conduct, student mistreatment 
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Claire F. in SMPH Academic Affairs Resource
SMPH Academic Affairs Resource