Acuity ONE45 - Phase 2 Evaluation/Assessment Overview and Process

This document provides an overview for administrators of evaluations and assessments for Phase 2 of the Medical Education curriculum.

Acuity Logo


After scheduling the specialties/child courses, the week-by-week rotations will populate into more granular environments within Acuity One45. These granular environments will be named with the following convention:

Naming Convention: Phase 2 | Location | Child Course/Specialty 
Example: Phase 2 | MAD | INM

  1. In the upper left-hand side scroll through the menu to the specific Location-Specialty/Child course environment using the drop down menu. This will load the page to the correct environment.
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  2. Make sure the also select the correct year in the second drop down box.  This will load the page with the current year.
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  3. Click Schedules on the top menu, then click on Rotation Schedule on the blue menu on the left-hand side.
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  4. Students who have rotations scheduled within the specialty/child course will appear with their rotations.

Acuity One45 Child Course/Specialty Environment List

Below is a map of the child course/specialty environments within Acuity One45.

List of Child Course/Specialty Rotations
Phase 2 Location Child Course/Specialty Full Name in Acuity One45
Phase 2 GB (Green Bay) ANS (Anesthesiology)  Phase 2 | GB | ANS
Phase 2 GB (Green Bay) EMG (Emergency Medicine) Phase 2 | GB | EMG
Phase 2 GB (Green Bay) FAM (Family Medicine) Phase 2 | GB | FAM
Phase 2 GB (Green Bay) INM (Internal Medicine) Phase 2 | GB | INM
Phase 2 GB (Green Bay) NEU (Neurology) Phase 2 | GB | NEU
Phase 2 GB (Green Bay) OBG (OBGYN) Phase 2 | GB | OBG
Phase 2 GB (Green Bay) PED (Pediatrics) Phase 2 | GB | PED
Phase 2 GB (Green Bay) PSY (Psychiatry)  Phase 2 | GB | PSY
Phase 2 GB (Green Bay) SRG (Surgery) Phase 2 | GB | SRG
Phase 2 LAX (La Crosse) ANS (Anesthesiology)  Phase 2 | LAX | ANS
Phase 2 LAX (La Crosse) EMG (Emergency Medicine) Phase 2 | LAX | EMG
Phase 2 LAX (La Crosse) FAM (Family Medicine) Phase 2 | LAX | FAM
Phase 2 LAX (La Crosse) INM (Internal Medicine) Phase 2 | LAX | INM
Phase 2 LAX (La Crosse) NEU (Neurology) Phase 2 | LAX | NEU
Phase 2 LAX (La Crosse) OBG (OBGYN) Phase 2 | LAX | OBG
Phase 2 LAX (La Crosse) PED (Pediatrics) Phase 2 | LAX | PED
Phase 2 LAX (La Crosse) PSY (Psychiatry)  Phase 2 | LAX | PSY
Phase 2 LAX (La Crosse) SRG (Surgery) Phase 2 | LAX | SRG
Phase 2 MAD (Madison) ANS (Anesthesiology)  Phase 2 | MAD | ANS
Phase 2 MAD (Madison) EMG (Emergency Medicine) Phase 2 | MAD | EMG
Phase 2 MAD (Madison) FAM (Family Medicine) Phase 2 | MAD | FAM
Phase 2 MAD (Madison) INM (Internal Medicine) Phase 2 | MAD | INM
Phase 2 MAD (Madison) NEU (Neurology) Phase 2 | MAD | NEU
Phase 2 MAD (Madison) OBG (OBGYN) Phase 2 | MAD | OBG
Phase 2 MAD (Madison) PED (Pediatrics) Phase 2 | MAD | PED
Phase 2 MAD (Madison) PSY (Psychiatry)  Phase 2 | MAD | PSY
Phase 2 MAD (Madison) SRG (Surgery) Phase 2 | MAD | SRG
Phase 2 MKE (Milwaukee) ANS (Anesthesiology)  Phase 2 | MKE | ANS
Phase 2 MKE (Milwaukee) EMG (Emergency Medicine) Phase 2 | MKE | EMG
Phase 2 MKE (Milwaukee) FAM (Family Medicine) Phase 2 | MKE | FAM
Phase 2 MKE (Milwaukee) INM (Internal Medicine) Phase 2 | MKE | INM
Phase 2 MKE (Milwaukee) NEU (Neurology) Phase 2 | MKE | NEU
Phase 2 MKE (Milwaukee) OBG (OBGYN) Phase 2 | MKE | OBG
Phase 2 MKE (Milwaukee) PED (Pediatrics) Phase 2 | MKE | PED
Phase 2 MKE (Milwaukee) PSY (Psychiatry)  Phase 2 | MKE | PSY
Phase 2 MKE (Milwaukee) SRG (Surgery) Phase 2 | MKE | SRG
Phase 2 MSH (Marshfield) ANS (Anesthesiology)  Phase 2 | MSH | ANS
Phase 2 MSH (Marshfield) EMG (Emergency Medicine) Phase 2 | MSH | EMG
Phase 2 MSH (Marshfield) FAM (Family Medicine) Phase 2 | MSH | FAM
Phase 2 MSH (Marshfield) INM (Internal Medicine) Phase 2 | MSH | INM
Phase 2 MSH (Marshfield) NEU (Neurology) Phase 2 | MSH | NEU
Phase 2 MSH (Marshfield) OBG (OBGYN) Phase 2 | MSH | OBG
Phase 2 MSH (Marshfield) PED (Pediatrics) Phase 2 | MSH | PED
Phase 2 MSH (Marshfield) PSY (Psychiatry)  Phase 2 | MSH |PSY
Phase 2 MSH (Marshfield) SRG (Surgery) Phase 2 | MSH |SRG

Adding Preceptors to Child Courses/Specialty Rotations

  1. In the upper left-hand side, click the drop down menu, then scroll and select the correct year and then Location-Child Course/Specialty rotation. 
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  2. Then, click Schedules on the top menu, then click Rotation Schedule on the blue menu on the left-hand side.
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  3. Students who have rotations scheduled within the specialty/child course will appear with their rotations. Rotations are on a week-by-week basis. This is the lowest level of granularity within Acuity One45.
  4. To add a preceptor, to a student’s rotation, click on the rotation.
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  5. After clicking a pop-up window will appear.
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  7. The first box of the pop-up box will state:
    "Rotation is locked”
    If you need to remove this rotation you will need to contact the administrator for [name of rotation]”. This is to prevent any scheduling of rotations at the Location-Child Course level. Rotation scheduling should only happen at the Parent Course – Location environment level.

  8. The second box in the pop-up window is where preceptors for the specialty/child course rotations can be added.
  9. To add a preceptor, click the Add preceptor link.
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  10. After clicking the add preceptor link, the Attach preceptor to block window will pop up.
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  11. Preceptors can be added using the following options:
    • My Faculty: Includes faculty in alphabetical order who are evaluators for the specific location, then child course/specialty. Clicking ALL at the top of the alphabetical list will provide one alphabetical list of the faculty who are evaluators for the specific location, then child course/specialty.
    • All Faculty: Includes all Faculty who are included in Phase 2 in alphabetical order.
    • All Residents: Includes all residents who are included in Phase 2 in alphabetical order.
    • Search: The search box at the bottom of the Attach preceptor to block window allows users to type partial to full last name of a preceptor or resident to find the evaluator from the list of all Phase 2 faculty. Type the partial or full last name into the search box, then click go. The faculty/residents who match the typed name will appear.
    • Screen Capture

  12. Once the desired faculty/resident has been located, click on their name. Clicking on their name will add them to the third box of the Attach Preceptor to block pop-up window. Multiple faculty/residents can be assigned to a one-week block. To add additional faculty/residents, search for them using the method described above, then click their name.
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  13. When all preceptors/residents have been added, click OK on the right-bottom of the pop-up window.

Evaluation Workflow - Individual

    1. Clinical Assessments will be set up on the Location – Specialty/Child Course Level. 
    2. In the upper left-hand side, click the drop down menu, then scroll and select the correct year and then Location-Child Course/Specialty rotation. 

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    3. Once loaded, click Setup on the top menu, then Evaluation Workflow on the blue menu on the left-hand side of the screen
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    4. The Evaluation Workflow menu will display all the options for parent courses and clinic location within the location-child course/specialty. Multiple forms and their unique sendout patterns can be added to each rotation by creating separate workflows. 
    5. To set up the Evaluation Workflow, click on the add form below the rotation.
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    6. Bulk Evaluations may be set up for multiple rotations if the evaluation workflow is the same. 
    7. A pop-up window appears that contains questions about the evaluation workflow.
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      1. Form Drop Down Menu: Select the form specific to the rotation. For help deciding which clinical assessment form to select, use this KB document.
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      2. Days Drop Down Menu: Select the number of days before the end of the block that the forms should be sent. Acuity One45 defaults the end of a consecutive rotation. Custom sendout patterns may be used to send out on specific weeks and also to increase frequency of sendout. 
        Example: A 4 week rotation will send the evaluation at the end of the four weeks (end of weeks are Sunday). If 3 days before the end of the "block" is selected, this means the assessment will go out on Friday of week 3. 
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      3. Evaluator -> Target (? -> ?): Identify the evaluator and target.
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      4. Use this form for which students? For the time being, Acuity has not designated internal and external students. Please default to Both.
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      5. Distribution: Decides whether:
        • A Distributor determines who should be completing the form and then forwards the form to the appropriate person after a sendout occurs. When the sendout occurs, the distributer will receive an email that they have To-Do's in their Acuity One45 eDossier.
        • The students will decide who to be evaluated by (UW is NOT using this method)
        • All on the Best Guess List: All attendings that you have listed on your best guess list will be asked to evaluate the resident
        • There is no distribution required. This is a self send scenario: Assessors are provided the ability to complete this form repeatedly, on different students, throughout the year
        • Use Schedule Matching if Available: This option may be combined with any of the choices above. It is highly recommended as Acuity One45 will utilize the rotation preceptor assignments to guide sendouts.
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      6. Head Evaluator/Summary: Information regarding head evaluators and releasors can be entered here.
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        •  Sum: A summary releasor allows one person to be responsible for releasing a single summary evaluation form that house all contributor data in one single document. The summary releasor is not able to edit the responses of the form.
        • Head Evaluator: The head evaluator is the last reviewer of a series of assessments/evaluations. If there are many contributors to a form, their responses will be collected on a summary. The head evaluators will gather and summarize the results of all the contributors’ evaluations with the ability to have the final say in what is shared with the learner. 
          NOTE: If the workflow is set up to allow the learner to see contributing forms, the learner will see all contributions as they are filled out, even with a head evaluator added to the form.

      7. Form Info:
        • Anonymity: Select whether the form will be anonymous (if learners can see who completed the assessment of them).
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        • Results Viewing: Select the viewing ability for students to view their forms.
          • No: Learners are not able to see the results of their assessments in their Acuity One45 To Do page unless an administrator/releasor runs an assessment report
          • Yes, as soon as the results are available: Learners are able to see the results of assessments in real time within their Acuity One45 To Do
          • After they have completed ALL of their forms: Assessment results will not be released until all forms, regardless of rotation, are completed
          • After they have completed the forms for this rotation: Assessment results will not release until all forms from the same rotation are completed.
          • After they have completed the forms for this rotation AND the rotation is completed: Assessment results will not release until both the forms from the same rotation are complete and the rotation has finished according to the rotation schedule.
          • Send mid-rotation results back immediately: If the workflow is being set up for a mid-rotation assessment, and learners should view their results before they’ve completed their forms, use this option.
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        • Do you want the target (student) to see the results of contributing form? If using a Head evaluator with contributing forms, checking this box allows learners to see the contributing forms as they are filled out.

        • Opt-Out: Provides the ability for faculty/residents to opt out of completing the form. Opting out will remove it from the faculty/resident’s Acuity One45 To Do list.
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      8. How long should evaluations be open: Indicates how many days the form will be available for completion before being automatically closed.
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      9. When completed, click Submit.
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    8. After clicking submit, data for the sendout will appear in the rotation row.   
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    9. When assessments are ready to be sent out, a user will need to initiate the sendout. Further instructions on this part are available in the "Sending Clinical Assessments" section. 

Evaluation Workflow - Bulk

Setting up forms in bulk will help users assign a form with the same workflow options to multiple rotations. 

  1. To set up Bulk Evaluations either:
    1. Check the boxes on the right-hand side of each rotation you wish you bulk add an evaluation workflow to. Then click Add Forms. Clicking Add Forms will pop up the evaluation workflow menu.
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    2. Then click Add Forms. Clicking Add Forms will pop up the evaluation workflow menu.
    3. To add all the rotations, click check all to the right of the Add Forms button.
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  2. A pop-up window appears that contains questions about the evaluation workflow.
    1. A pop-up window appears that contains questions about the evaluation workflow.
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          1. Form Drop Down Menu: Select the form specific to the rotation. For help deciding which clinical assessment form to select, use this KB document.
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          2. Days Drop Down Menu: Select the number of days before the end of the block that the forms should be sent.
            IMPORTANT: If a student had a rotation spanning multiple weeks, assessments will be sent during their final week of the rotation. 

          3. Evaluator -> Target (? -> ?): Identify the evaluator and target.
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          4. Use this form for which students? For the time being, Acuity has not designated internal and external students. Please default to Both.
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          5. Distribution: Decides whether:
            • A Distributor determines who should be completing the form and then forwards the form to the appropriate person after a sendout occurs. When the sendout occurs, the distributer will receive an email that they have To-Do's in their Acuity One45 eDossier.
            • The students will decide who to be evaluated by (UW is NOT currently using this method)
            • All on the Best Guess List: All attendings that you have listed on your best guess list will be asked to evaluate the resident
            • There is no distribution required. This is a self send scenario: Assessors are provided the ability to complete this form repeatedly, on different students, throughout the year
            • Use Schedule Matching if Available: This option may be combined with any of the choices above. It is highly recommended as Acuity One45 will utilize the rotation preceptor assignments to guide sendouts.
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          6. Head Evaluator/Summary: Information regarding head evaluators and releasors can be entered here.
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          7.  Sum: A summary releasor allows one person to be responsible for releasing a single summary evaluation form that house all contributor data in one single document. The summary releasor is not able to edit the responses of the form.
          8. Head Evaluator: The head evaluator is the last reviewer of a series of assessments/evaluations. If there are many contributors to a form, their responses will be collected on a summary. The head evaluators will gather and summarize the results of all the contributors’ evaluations with the ability to have the final say in what is shared with the learner.
            NOTE: If the workflow is set up to allow the learner to see contributing forms, the learner will see all contributions as they are filled out, even with a head evaluator added to the form

          9. Form Info:
            1. Anonymity: Select whether the form will be anonymous (if learners can see who completed the assessment of them).
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          10. Results Viewing: Select the viewing ability for students to view their forms.
            • No: Learners are not able to see the results of their assessments in their Acuity One45 To Do page unless an administrator/releasor runs an assessment report
            • After they have completed ALL of their forms: Assessment results will not be released until all forms, regardless of rotation, are completed
            • After they have completed the forms for this rotation: Assessment results will not release until all forms from the same rotation are completed.
            • After they have completed the forms for this rotation AND the rotation is completed: Assessment results will not release until both the forms from the same rotation are complete and the rotation has finished according to the rotation schedule.
            • Send mid-rotation results back immediately: If the workflow is being set up for a mid-rotation assessment, and learners should view their results before they’ve completed their forms, use this option.
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          11. Do you want the target (student) to see the results of contributing form? If using a Head evaluator with contributing forms, checking this box allows learners to see the contributing forms as they are filled out.

          12. Opt-Out: Provides the ability for faculty/residents to opt out of completing the form. Opting out will remove it from the faculty/resident’s Acuity One45 To Do list.
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        1. How long should evaluations be open: Indicates how many days the form will be available for completion before being automatically closed.
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        2. When completed, click Submit.
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        3. After clicking submit, data for the sendout will appear in the rotation rows.   
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        4. When assessments are ready to be sent out, a user will need to initiate the sendout. Further instructions on this part are available in the "Sending Clinical Assessments" section. 

Editing Clinical Assessments in Evaluation Workflow

Editing Clinical Assessments - Individual

  1. To make any changes to existing Evaluation Workflows, click on the Form title.
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  2. After clicking on the Form title, the evaluation workflow pop up menu appears.
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  3. After making the appropriate changes, click submit.
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Editing Clinical Assessments - Bulk

  1. If the workflow for rotations has changed, using the Bulk Update Tool will update the configurations in bulk. 
  2. Check the box next to all the forms you need updated.
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  3. Click BkUpdate on the bottom right of the evaluation workflow display.
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  4. After clicking BkUpdate, a pop up window will appear.
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  5. The first line contains a drop down menu. This will default to Bulk Update. Leave the Bulk Update option in the drop down menu.
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  6. Select target form(s) below: Choose which option to bulk update.
    Two options will be provided:
    1. All [#] checked forms on previous page: Updates only the forms checked before clicking BkUpdate.
      • Only forms selected here: Opens a new drop down menu, allowing the user to select which form will update regardless of previously selected forms. If a form has been inactivated in the forms listed, it will not appear in the drop down menu.
        IMPORTANT: Selecting this form will update ALL the rotations where the form is being attached.

    2. Change the Following: Allows users to update information on the parameter selected previously on Select target form(s) below. Multiple components may be changed by checking the box to the right of each parameter listed below:
      • Form: Updates the form being used for assessment.
      • Send: Updates the number of days a form will be sent out from the last day of the block.
      • Int/Ext: Updates if the form will be sent to internal or external learners, or both.
      • Schedule Match: Updates the method in which the forms are sent out.
      • Head Evaluator: Updates the head evaluator, releasor, or if there should not be either.
      • Anonymous: Updates the anonymity of the assessor.
      • Feedback: Updates on how learners receive assessment results.
      • Over-ride midpoint: Updates on how mid-rotation evaluations are sent to learners. 
      • Opt-Out: Updates the ability for assessors to opt-out of evaluations.
      • Keep Open: Updates on how long assessments should be kept open for.

    3. After the updates have been made in the appropriate categories, click Submit.
    4. When assessments are ready to be sent out, a user will need to initiate the sendout. Further instructions on this part are available in the "Sending Clinical Assessments" section. 


After setting up the evaluation workflow, the Sendouts function allow users to perform the release of clinical assessments. The Sendouts feature cannot be set up in advance and will require a user to perform the sendout at the appropriate time.

It is important to remember that when forms are attached to rotation, the Evaluation Workflow set up specified how many days before the end of that rotation each form should be sent. Therefore the block sendout is a go-ahead to Acuity One45 to send the forms when appropriately scheduled. (e.g., 3 days after the start of the rotation, 7 days before the end of the rotation, etc.). 

  1. Navigate to the sendout feature, by clicking Sendout in the Header menu. 
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  2. Each row of rotations scheduling will have a menu option in the left blue menu. For example, an event scheduled in the week to week rotation schedule will have a sendout option called "weekly". Whereas an event scheduled in the 6-week rotation rows will have a sendout option called "6 weeks". (Updated naming conventions are to be announced shortly.

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  3. Click on the correct sendout option in the left blue menu. 
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  4. After clicking on the sendout option, a grid schedule will appear. The schedule will show sendout blocks in the specific time blocks (e.g. weekly, 6-weeks, etc.) in chronological order. The blocks will also display the date range of the sendout. 
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  5. Click on the block of the sendout. The block will highlight in a red border and the sendout menu will appear to the right of the block grid. 
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  6. To start the first step of the send out process, click Start
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  7. Users may skip a sendout period. To do this, review the sub-menu below "Skipping Block Sendouts"
  8. The Review & Confirm screen will appear. This screen will list the rotations which are to receive assessments for the particular sendout block. Due to the level of granularity of the assessment environments (e.g. Phase 2 | MSH | INM) only the sendout for the specific location and specialty/child course should appear. 
  9. Ensure all rotations look correct on this screen. There is also a check box under Send, to allow email notifications. Check this box if email notifications should notify assessors.

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  10. When the rotation data and notification preference are correct, click Send to send out the evaluations. As a reminder, forms will send out as directed by the evaluation workflow.
  11. A summary of the sendout will appear after clicking Send. It includes a record of the emails that failed, which forms were sent and when.
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  12. The block within the grid will also change to a progress bar. 
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Skipping a Block Sendout - Individual

If there are blocks with no evaluation activity associated with them, or are redundant of evaluation activity already completed, the skip block sendout will allow users to 'skip' individual blocks. 

  1. Navigate to the sendout feature, by clicking Sendout in the Header menu. 
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  2. Each row of rotations scheduling will have a menu option in the left blue menu. For example, an event scheduled in the week to week rotation schedule will have a sendout option called "weekly". Whereas an event scheduled in the 6-week rotation rows will have a sendout option called "6 weeks". (Updated naming conventions are to be announced shortly.)

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  3. Click on the block which is to be skipped. The block will highlight in red and the Send Out menu will appear to the right of the grid. 
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  4. Instead of clicking Start sendout, click Skip this send-out at the bottom of the Send Out Menu. 
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  5. The page will refresh and the block will appear grey to show that it has been skipped.

Skipping Block Sendouts - Multiple

If there are blocks with no evaluation activity associated with them, or are redundant of evaluation activity already completed, the skip block sendout will allow users to 'skip' multiple consecutive blocks. 

  1. Navigate to the sendout feature, by clicking Sendout in the Header menu. 
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  2. Each row of rotations scheduling will have a menu option in the left blue menu. For example, an event scheduled in the week to week rotation schedule will have a sendout option called "weekly". Whereas an event scheduled in the 6-week rotation rows will have a sendout option called "6 weeks". (Updated naming conventions are to be announced shortly.)

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  3. Click on the block you want to send: a warning will be displayed to confirm that you are skipping several blocks at once. 
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  4. Click yes, skip [X] unsent blocks to confirm the skip or no, do not skip to undo the skip.

Rollback a Skipped Block

  1. If the skip a block function is performed and future sendouts are sent, it is still possible to "unskip" or roll back the most recent skipped block. 
  2. Click on the skipped block.
  3. On the send out info page that appears,  click Rollback at the bottom left.
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  4. A confirmation message appears. Click on submit to confirm the rollback.

  5. The page refreshes and the block becomes purple again to show it can be sent out.

Rolling Back Clinical Assessments (Sendouts)

If a Sendout has been sendout and no forms have been completed, sendouts may be rolled back. 

  1. Navigate to the sendout feature, by clicking Sendout in the Header menu. 
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  2. Each row of rotations scheduling will have a menu option in the left blue menu. For example, an event scheduled in the week to week rotation schedule will have a sendout option called "weekly". Whereas an event scheduled in the 6-week rotation rows will have a sendout option called "6 weeks". (Updated naming conventions are to be announced shortly.)

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  3. Click on the correct sendout option in the left blue menu. 
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  4. After clicking on the sendout option, a grid schedule will appear. Click on the appropriate block. 
  5. The block will highlight in red and the Send Out menu will appear to the right of the grid. 
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  6. Click the Rollback button - the button will only appear for blocks where no forms have been completed:
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  7. NOTE: If the rollback button does not appear, forms have been completed and the rollback cannot be completed without administrator assistance. Please contact the Acuity Support Team for assistance. 
  8. A new menu will pop up as a confirm of the rollback. Click Submit.
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  9. The rollback is now complete. Changes can be made to the block, and the send out can be re-initiated.

Monitoring Clinical Assessment Progress in Sendouts

Once block sendouts have occurred, users are bale to monitor the response rates of learners and faculty. 

    1. Navigate to the sendout feature, by clicking Sendout in the Header menu. 
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    2. Each row of rotations scheduling will have a menu option in the left blue menu. For example, an event scheduled in the week to week rotation schedule will have a sendout option called "weekly". Whereas an event scheduled in the 6-week rotation rows will have a sendout option called "6 weeks". (Updated naming conventions are to be announced shortly.)

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    3. Click on the correct sendout option in the left blue menu. 
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    4. After clicking on the sendout option, a grid schedule will appear. Click on the appropriate block. 
    5. Blocks will appear in chronological order. Each block that has already been sent has a progress bar. The progress bar is a visual representation of the form completion level for each block. If the progress bar is red, there are still evaluations that need to be completed. 
      Progress Bar

    6. If the progress bar is grey and there is a checkmark, all of the sendouts for that block have been completed.
      Completed Progress Bar

    7. To review more details about a block's progress, click on the block. The sendout menu will appear to the right of the grid with additional information about the sendout.
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        • [1] Form Completion Percentages

        • [2] A Complete record of all the forms for the block, the rotations they were sent for, and the dates they were sent

        • [3] Form search links that give detailed information on the specific forms sent for the whole block (view all) or the specific rotation (view).
    8. Please note that the Send Schedule details (bottom portion of the Send Out Info) only includes data from that specific sendout BUT the Form Stats detail (top portion of the Send Out Info) also includes data from any of the forms sent with dates that span over the time of that block.

Phase 2, Evaluation Workflow, Clinical Assessments, Evaluation, Assessment, Specialty, Child courses, 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Katie B. in SMPH Academic Affairs Resource
SMPH Academic Affairs Resource