Acuity One45 - Logs

This document outlines how to navigate to and complete specific logs for learners.

Acuity ONE45 Logo

Clinic Logs

Several departments/sites host clinic logs where students can submit specific information about their clinic day/experience. 

Submitting Clinic Log Information:

To submit information for a clinic log follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to the log through the Pt/Procedure link in the To Do page or on the left blue menu. 
    Screen Capture

  2. In the log screen, all the different logs (including FACET sheets and clinic logs) will be listed in alphabetical order. 
    Screen Capture
  3. Click the green Create New Log Entry under the appropriate title to start a new log.
     Screen Capture

Editing Submitted Log Information:

To edit previously submitted log data, navigate to to log that needs to be updated. 

  1. Click Search Log Entries
  2. Select the search parameters to help identify the specific entry that needs to be edited. 
    Note: "Competency Items" refers to question parameters for clinical log. For example, selecting "Specific Competency items..." in the search, will allow a specific question parameter to be selected. 
    Screen Capture
  3. Once the parameters are selected, click Search Entries
  4. A new tab will open with a list of logs. 
  5. Identify the log that must be edited and click edit on the left side of the row. 
    Screen Capture

  6. Text will appear that reads, "This log will now appear in your PT/Procedure page as a saved log, where you can change and re-submit it"
    Screen Capture

  7. Navigate back to PT/Procedure Logs and the log that needed to be updated will be visible. 
    Screen Capture

  8. Click on the log that needs to be updated. 
  9. A new tab will open that will allow the updated information to be entered. 
  10. When the information has successfully been entered click Submit

Deleting Submitted Log Information:

To delete previously submitted log data, navigate to to log that needs to be deleted.

  2. Click Search Log Entries
  3. Select the search parameters to help identify the specific entry that needs to be edited. 
    Note: "Competency Items" refers to question parameters for clinical log. For example, selecting "Specific Competency items..." in the search, will allow a specific question parameter to be selected. 
    Screen Capture
  4. Once the parameters are selected, click Search Entries
  5. A new tab will open with a list of logs. 
  6. Identify the log that must be deleted and click delete on the left side of the row. 
    Screen Capture

  7. A question will ask "are you sure you want to delete this log?". Click yes to delete. Click no to retain the log. 
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  8. After clicking yes, a confirmation message will appear. 
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  9. After the confirmation message appears, close the tab - the log has been deleted. 

FACET Sheets

The FACET sheets serve as a log to record block experience requirements. Submissions into the log will be made within Acuity One45. Multiple submissions can be made into one FACET sheet form. 

  1. Navigate to the log through the Pt/Procedure link in the To Do page or on the left blue menu. 
    Screen Capture

  2. In the log screen, all the different logs (including FACET sheets and clinic logs) will be listed in alphabetical order. 
    Screen Capture
  3. Click the green Create New Log Entry under the appropriate title to start a new log.
     Screen Capture

  4. Click Create New Log Entry to start record (a) new experience(s) record. 
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  5. A new screen will appear with selection options to complete the log.
    Screen Capture

  6. First, select the date the experience was completed. 
  7. Then, click the SEARCH button for Checklist Item.
    Screen Capture

  8. A list of the experiences appropriate to the parent course (e.g. AC shown in image below) will open. From this menu, the experience and method of completion (PATIENT or SUBSTITUTE) may be chosen. 
    Screen Capture

  9. Multiple experiences may be chosen from this menu. As more experiences as selected they will be added to a box at the bottom of the menu. 
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  10. To remove an experience, click the red circle Deletion Icon  to the right of the incorrect experience. 

  11. Once all experiences for the previously specified date have been selected, click the Pick Selected Items button
    Screen Capture

  12. The experience menu will close and the selected experiences will populate in the Checklist Item summary box
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  13. To exit the log, click the most appropriate button (further detail on each option below):
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    1. Submit: This option will submit the experiences, provide a confirmation message, and close the browser tab.
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    2. Submit and Start New Log: Submits responses, but starts a new log with the same pre-filled screen.
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    3. Save and Close: Saves current responses and keep log entry available in your logs tab for revision. The incomplete log information will be saved under the appropriate form in the overall log view. To re-enter the incomplete log, click the title.
      Screen Capture

    4. Cancel: Discard responses. Previously saved entries will be untouched. 

Search and Reports for FACET Sheets and Logs

Every log type has options to search submitted logs and run reports. The search and report options are available immediately below the log's Create New Log Entry button.

Screen Capture


The overview report will provide a list of the total amount of experiences (both patient and substitute) and the amount of times the experience(s) have been recorded within the log. 

  1. Click Overview 
  2. A list will appear with all the experiences including both patient and substitute. 
  3. The second column contains the number of reported experiences for the corresponding experience.
    Screen Capture

Search Log Entries:

Search Log Entries provides the ability to search all and/or specific competencies, questions, and/or dates. 

  1. Click Search Log Entries
  2. Search parameters appear to search for all and/or certain competencies

Screen Capture

Expectation Summaries:

The expectation summary shows how many required competency experiences are needed and how many are completed. 

  1. Click Expectations Summary
  2. The menu will open where specific dates and/or all logs completed to date can be selected:
    Screen Capture
  3. Once the parameters have been set, click the Generate Summary Report button.
  4. This will open a new browser tab. Within the page there will be the Overall tab and the Parent Course Facet (e.g. 01 - AC Facet on the tab below). Click on the Parent Course Facet tab.
    Screen Capture
  5. This will show a report that will outline the following:
    1. Each competency (listing both the patient and substitute options)
    2. The total number per competency required
    3. The total number per competency reported
      Screen Capture 

Questions & Support

For questions and support, please email:

Acuity, ONE45, evaluations, assessments, clinical, rotations, phase 2, preceptors, faculty, specialties 
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Owned by:
Katie B. in SMPH Academic Affairs Resource
SMPH Academic Affairs Resource