Acuity One45 - Monitoring Evaluation/Assessment Completion (Phase 2)

This document outlines tracking completion of evaluations and assessments for Phase 2 within Acuity One45.

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After evaluations and assessments have been set up and sent out, they can be monitored for completion through the Sendouts page in Acuity One45. (Information on Evaluation/Assessment set up available here: Phase 2 Evaluation/Assessment Overview and Process

Once sendouts have occurred, administrators are able to monitor the completion of the clinical assessments and evaluations. This Knowledgebase document will the Schedule Sendouts, and Evaluation Tracking options within Acuity One45. 

  • [1] Schedule Sendouts
  • [2] Outstanding Forms
  • [3] Completed Forms
  • [4] Custom Search

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Schedule Sendouts

    1. Navigate to the sendout feature, by clicking Sendout in the Header menu. 
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    2. Each row of rotations scheduling will have a menu option in the left blue menu. For example, an event scheduled in the week to week rotation schedule will have a sendout option called "weekly". Whereas an event scheduled in the 6-week rotation rows will have a sendout option called "6 weeks". (Updated naming conventions are to be announced shortly.)

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    3. Click on the correct sendout option in the left blue menu. 
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    4. After clicking on the sendout option, a grid schedule will appear. Click on the appropriate block. 
    5. Blocks will appear in chronological order. Each block that has already been sent has a progress bar. The progress bar is a visual representation of the form completion level for each block. If the progress bar is red, there are still evaluations that need to be completed. 
      Progress Bar

    6. If the progress bar is gray and there is a checkmark, all of the sendouts for that block have been completed.
      Completed Progress Bar

    7. To review more details about a block's progress, click on the block. The sendout menu will appear to the right of the grid with additional information about the sendout.
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        • [1] Form Completion Percentages

        • [2] A Complete record of all the forms for the block, the rotations they were sent for, and the dates they were sent

        • [3] Form search links that give detailed information on the specific forms sent for the whole block (view all) or the specific rotation (view).
          • View All: The Form Search Result page will open with the list of forms that have been sent for this block sendout
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            For more in-depth details on the Form Search Results, please review the Form Search Results Knowledgebase document. 

    8. Please note that the Send Schedule details (bottom portion of the Send Out Info) only includes data from that specific sendout BUT the Form Status detail (top portion of the Send Out Info) also includes data from any of the forms sent with dates that span over the time of that block.

Outstanding Forms

Outstanding forms monitors which individuals have outstanding forms in two ways:

  • [1] People with Outstanding Forms ( > 2 Weeks old): Tracks forms which are greater than two weeks overdue by individual.
  • [2] Custom Queries: Tracks outstanding forms using predetermined queries to look up frequently searched results of an outstanding form. 

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People with Outstanding Forms ( > 2 weeks old):

  1. Navigate to Sendouts in the top menu, then Outstanding Forms on the left blue menu.
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  2. The People with outstanding forms ( > 2 weeks old) tab is the default tab on this page. The tab that is open will be indicated by a blue text title instead of gray text. 
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  3. Acuity One45 automatically generates a list of individuals who have incomplete forms (a form is considered incomplete if it was sent more than 14 days and has not been filled out). 
  4. This list may be sorted by the headers of the table (First Name, Last Name, Role, and # of Forms)
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  5. To view a list of an individual's incomplete forms, click View forms beside their name. This will prompt a new browser tab with sorting options to appear. 
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  6. The new browser tab provides different categories to sort the form search results including evaluator name, target name, rotation/session name, form name, date. 

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  7. Choose an option and click Get Forms to see the list of outstanding forms for the selected individuals. 
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  8. After clicking Get Forms, the window will refresh and show the Form Search Results Page. 

Custom Queries

  1. Navigate to Sendouts in the top menu, then Outstanding Forms on the left blue menu.
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  2. The People with outstanding forms ( > 2 weeks old) tab is the default tab on this page. Click the Custom Queries header. 
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The Custom Queries page has a number of different predetermined searches. To select a query, click on the title of the appropriate query. Below is a brief description of the different query types. 
NOTE: Environment refers to the menu options that host rotations in Acuity One45 (e.g. Phase 2 | MAD | SRG). Environments hosting more than one rotation will show results for all rotations in the queries. If it is desired to search within a specific rotation, please scroll down to the Custom Search. 

  1. General Queries:  
    1. All Outstanding Forms: All outstanding forms for all rotations within the environment between 1 and 14 days old. 
    2. Outstanding for more than 2 weeks: All outstanding forms for all rotations within the environment greater than 14 days old. 
    3. Outstanding for year starting Jan 1 202[x]: All outstanding forms for all rotations within the environment greater than 0 days old.  
    4. Forms not distributed: All forms that are scheduled to send, but have not yet gone out to the evaluator/assessor. 
      Example: Forms being processed by a distributer, who has not sent them yet would appear here. 
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  2. Queries by Role: The number of queries by role will depend on the different types of evaluators/assessors within the child course environment (Evaluator Types include: Admin, Faculty, Resident, Student, Session Attendee). 

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  3. Data Export: Prompts to view or save a generated excel file. The report contains the full name of the evaluators, their levels, and the number of outstanding forms they gave. 
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    *Imaged sourced from Acuity One45 and does not contain UW-Madison personnel data. 

Completed Forms

The Completed Forms sections shows which forms have been completed in the environment. Due to the confidential nature of many forms there may be limited access to the results of forms through these searches. The purpose of these searches is to show what forms have been completed. 

  1. Navigate to Sendouts on the top menu, then Completed Forms on the left blue menu. 

  2. The Completed Forms page has a number of different predetermined searches. To select a search, click on the title. Below is a brief description of the different search types. 
    NOTE: Environment refers to the menu options that host rotations in Acuity One45 (e.g. Phase 2 | MAD | SRG). Environments hosting more than one rotation will show results for all rotations in the queries. If it is desired to search within a specific rotation, please scroll down to the Custom Search. 

    1. All Completed for year starting Jan 1/2[x]: All completed forms for all rotations within the environment greater than 0 days old.  
    2. All Completed within the last 1 month: All completed forms for all rotations within the environment between 0 and 30 days old. 
    3. All Completed within the last 6 months: All completed forms for all rotations within the environment between 0 days and 6 months old.
    4. Completed form by [role] for year starting Jan 1/2[x]: All completed forms for all rotations within the environment greater than 0 days old as determined by role. 

Custom Search

The Custom Form Search searches for forms by entering specific parameters. 
NOTE: Environment refers to the menu options that host rotations in Acuity One45 (e.g. Phase 2 | MAD | SRG).

  1. Navigate to Sendout in the top menu, then Custom Search in the left blue menu. 
  2. Use the fields provided to specify search parameters. Multiple parameters may be used in each search and will help in narrowing results.  
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    1. Person Field: Clicking on the Person text box will open a search pop up window. The "As Evaluator" and "As Target" may be individually checked or both checked. In addition, neither have to be checked to perform a search. If searching multiple individuals, click the radio button "all". 

    2. Evaluator Role Field: If the role of the evaluator/assessor (e.g. Faculty, Resident, Student, Admin) is known, it may be entered here. If not known, click the radio button "all". 

    3. Rotations Field: Select specific rotation in which to search. 
      NOTE: For environments that host multiple rotations, this option would be one of the more effective search tools for searching within a specific rotation. 

    4. Forms Field: Select a specific form in which to search. 

    5. Rotation Dates: 
      In One45, all forms have dates associated with them (e.g., the rotation date range, the date the form was received by the evaluator, the date the form was completed). By default, the Custom Form Search includes forms from all rotations in the entire current academic year.
    6. Specific Dates: may be entered to narrow/expand the date range search. To do this, click the calendar icons under Date options and choose the new dates. Then select from the drop-down menu under date options that best describes the dates (e.g. rotation, received, or completed dates). 
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    7. Form Status: Select the status(es) of the forms desired within the search. If the status of the desired form is unclear, checking all the boxes will ensure the form is not excluded from the search.  
      1. Completed: The form has been completed. 
      2. Not Complete, but distributed: The form is distributed to the evaluator/assessor, but is not completed. 
      3. Not Distributed: The form is scheduled, but not distributed. (e.g. the assigned distributer has not sent it)
      4. Saved: The form was saved, but not submitted by the evaluator/assessor. 
      5. Closed: The form was not completed, but surpassed the deadline. 
        Note: If a form is re-opened, the status of the form will change during the extended period. 
      6. Deleted: The form was deleted by an administrator. 

    8. Include: Select the method in which the form was sent out. 
      1. Block: Refers to evaluations/assessments being sent out using the evaluation workflow/send out feature
      2. Bulk/Single Send: Refers to evaluations/assessments being sent out using the Bulk/Single send option

    9. For Evaluations sent out relating to: Narrows results of forms that were sent based off scheduling types. 
      1. Rotations: Clinical Rotations
      2. Academic Sessions: Refers to didactic training sessions
      3. Proposals: Not currently used in Acuity One45
    10. Order Results by: The default order of results will by alphabetical by evaluators/assessor's last name, then chronologically by dates. However, using the 2 drop down menus, a primary and a secondary sort logic can be set. 
      1. Evaluator Name
      2. Target Name
      3. Rotation Session Name
      4. Form Name
      5. Date
      6. Complete/Incomplete (referring to the form)
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    11. Search for Forms and Export to Excel: 
      1. Export to Excel allows the report to be saved as an excel or csv file. 
      2. Search for Forms: Opens a new window. Form search results are returned in tabular format as Form Search Results
        1. For more in-depth details on the Form Search Results, please review the Form Search Results Knowledgebase document. 

Questions & Support

For questions and support, please email:

Acuity, ONE45, evaluations, assessments, clinical, rotations, phase 2, preceptors, faculty, specialties 
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Katie B. in SMPH Academic Affairs Resource
SMPH Academic Affairs Resource