Topics Map > OnCore > Data Field Definitions

OnCore: DFD - Accrual: Not Applicable

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Responsible for Entry QA
Accrual Information: Not Applicable

In Update Mode, a Not Applicable checkbox appears in the right side of the header for this section.

When the Not Applicable box is checked, N/A will appear as a field value for all Target Accrual fields or Accrual Goal fields for the protocol. Additionally, the protocol will not display in the Open or Suspended Protocols At Or Over Target Accrual report. 

Required in the situations described.

Oncology: Accrual information required for DT4-applicable protocols. Optional to record accrual information for DT4 type N/A protocols (e.g., specimen banking protocol).

Important Note: If this box is checked, a note must be made in the Documents/Info > Archive/Notes > Notes Details field explaining that accrual is not being collected for the protocol and the reason WHY (by listing one or more key criteria of the accrual definition that is NOT being met).

Non-oncology: Not used

PC Console edit / Protocol Coordinator No

Keywordsaccrual   Doc ID101747
OwnerMolly H.GroupSMPH Research Informatics
Created2020-05-06 11:25:52Updated2024-01-03 13:49:16
SitesSMPH Research Informatics
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