Topics Map > OnCore > Data Field Definitions

OnCore: DFD - Protocol Staff Role

Protocol Role Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Mapped to Florence Mapped to Health Link
Affiliate Site Principal Investigator Responsible investigator at the affiliate site for the conduct of the research study. Required for situations described; multi-site research Not mapped Not mapped
Affiliate Site Study Coordinator Provide coordination and management of the research study at the affiliate site for the activities associated with subject enrollment and participation. Required for situations described; multi-site research Not mapped Not mapped
Affiliate Sub-Investigator An investigator at the affiliate site who provides a significant contribution and assistance to the principal investigator in the conduct of the research study. Not required Not mapped Not mapped
Biobank Biobank is listed if the Translational Science BioCore (TSB) is a collaborator on the protocol (fresh or flash frozen tissue is collected). Required for situations described; ancillary services for notifications Not mapped Not mapped
Cancer Pharmacology Laboratory Cancer Pharmacology Laboratory is listed if CP Lab is a collaborator on the protocol. Required for situations described; ancillary services for notifications Not mapped Not mapped
Clinical Research Unit (CRU) Clinical Research Unit (CRU) is listed if the CRU is a collaborator on the protocol. Required for situations described; ancillary services for notifications Not mapped Not mapped
Collaborator Individual collaborators who provide ePRMS Collaborator Signoff for UWCCC Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee (PRMC) submissions. Required for situations described; refer to ePRMS Submission OnCore Tutorial for instructions. Not mapped Not mapped
Compliance and Monitoring Coordinator Personnel responsible for monitoring and auditing clinical research studies to ensure compliance with federal regulations, state and local laws, and applicable controlled documents.

Provides administrative support for the UWCCC Data and Safety Monitoring System (DSMS), including the Data and Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC).

Not Required Mapped to Internal Compliance DSMC Coordinator Not mapped
Contract Specialist The staff member involved in drafting and negotiating the contract and budget for the study. Required in situations with central contract negotiation separate from other financial roles (e.g., CTI, DoM) Not mapped Not mapped
CRIC Imaging Radiology imaging support related to oncology research. Required for situations described; ancillary services for notifications Not mapped Not mapped
Data Analyst Personnel responsible to provide analysis of study data. Not Required Not mapped Not mapped
Data Coordinator Personnel responsible for managing subject data, coordinating sponsor/monitor visits and supporting study coordination tasks. Not Required Mapped to Study Coordinator Not mapped
Data Manager Provide oversight of data collection for accuracy and legitimacy of data. Not Required Mapped to Study Coordinator Not mapped
Fellow/Trainee Fellow or MD-in-training who assists in the conduct of the research study. Not Required Mapped to Study Investigator Not mapped
Financial Specialist Personnel responsible for the financial aspects of the research study, including invoicing and reconciling accounts. Required if using OnCore financial functionality Not mapped Not mapped
Imaging Staff Personnel responsible for performing ophthalmologic imaging data collection. Not required Not mapped Not mapped
Monitor Internal UW personnel who observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time; keep under systematic review. Required if using internal UW personnel outside of the study team for monitoring Not mapped Not mapped
Multisite Coordinator UW staff responsible for coordination with non-UW sites when UW is the coordinating center on a multi-site study Required for situations described Mapped to Regulatory Staff Not mapped
Office for Translational Research Services OTRS is listed if UWCCC OTRS is involved in the protocol (e.g., IND/FDA annual report submission services) or if it is a WONIX study. Required for situations described Not mapped Not mapped
Outreach/Recruitment Coordinator Conduct outreach and recruitment activities for the research study. Not Required Not mapped Not mapped
Pathology Pathology is listed if UW Pathology is a collaborator on a UWCCC protocol. Required for situations described; ancillary services for notifications Not mapped Not mapped
Pharmaceutical Research Center PRC is listed if PRC is a collaborator on the protocol (drug or agent is involved in the protocol). Required for situations described; ancillary services for notifications.

Note: Not used for studies that are open to affiliate sites only.

Not mapped Not mapped
Primary Budget Contract Provide main coordination for the financial aspects of the research study.

Limited to one member of the study team.

Not Required Not mapped Not mapped
Primary Regulatory Contact

Provide main coordination of the IRB and/or FDA application(s) or the development of the research protocol and informed consent document(s) for the research study.  

Limited to one member of the study team. 

Required Mapped to Regulatory Staff Not mapped
Primary Study Coordinator

Provide main coordination and management of the research study for the activities associated with subject enrollment and participation. 

Limited to one member of the study team. 

Not Required
Mapped to Study Coordinator Health Link Research Activity access
Principal Investigator

Responsible investigator for the conduct of the research study  

Mapped to Study Investigator Health Link Research Activity access
Program Manager

Manage the research program for which the research study is conducted. For UWCCC, this is either the Program Manager or Pod Manager. 

Required for oncology Mapped to Study Coordinator Health Link Research Activity access
Protocol Administrative Coordinator

Staff responsible for coordinating and overseeing activities and administrative tasks related to clinical research study activation and maintenance.

Not Required Mapped to Study Coordinator Not Mapped
Protocol Coordinator

Research staff responsible for administrative tasks related to protocol activation and maintenance such as protocol review and workflow development.  

Required for non-oncology Mapped to Regulatory Staff Not Mapped
Protocol Creator

User who created the protocol; included automatically in OnCore protocol staff list when protocol is created. 

Default Not Mapped Not Mapped

Radiology is listed if UW Radiology is a collaborator on the protocol.

Not Required Not Mapped
Not Mapped

Staff responsible for administering and/or scoring cognitive tests or other evaluative measures.

Not Required Not Mapped
Not Mapped
Regulatory Coordinator

Provide coordination of the IRB and/or FDA application(s) or the development of the research protocol and informed consent document(s) for the research study.  

Not Required Mapped to Regulatory Staff Not Mapped
Research Administrator

Administration of the research program for which the research study is conducted.  

Not Required Mapped to Regulatory Staff Not Mapped
Research Billing Contact

Responsible reviewer of research charges in Health Link. 

Required if the study has UWH billing Not Mapped Health Link Research Activity access
Research Lab Staff

Provide laboratory support, processing and/or analysis of biological specimens for the research study.  

Not Required Not Mapped
Not Mapped
Research Nurse

Research Staff with a nursing degree or designation who consents subjects, completes regulatory tasks, and/or performs other duties for research studies. 

Not Required Mapped to Study Coordinator Not Mapped

UW Statistician who conducts statistical analysis of the collected data for the research study.

Required in oncology if applicable: ePRMS signoff Mapped to Study Investigator Not Mapped
Study Chair

Staff responsible for providing overall management for the operation of the study, and for reporting to the Data and Safety Monitoring Board.  

Required for oncology Not Mapped Not Mapped
Study Coordinator

Provide coordination and management of the research study for the activities associated with subject enrollment and participation.  

Required Mapped to Study Coordinator Health Link Research Activity access
Study Finder Contact

The email associated with this listing will be available on Study Finder for potential participants to contact.  

Required for non-oncology in the situations described: using Study Finder Not Mapped Not Mapped

An investigator who assists the principal investigator in the conduct of the research study.  

Not Required
Mapped to Study Investigator Health Link Research Activity access

The study staff responsible for submitting the protocol to the PRMC via ePRMS.

Required for oncology
Not Mapped Not Mapped

TRIP Lab is listed if the UWCCC TRIP Lab is involved in the protocol.

Required for oncology in the situations described: ancillary services for notifications
Not Mapped Not Mapped
UWCCC Network Facilitator

UWCCC Network Facilitator is listed if CRCO Network Coordinator coordinates affiliate study activities.

Required for situations described in oncology
Not Mapped Not Mapped
UW Enrolling Provider/Faculty

The physician or other provider who enrolled the participant(s) in the study.  

Required for oncology
Not Mapped Not Mapped
UW Referring Provider

The physician or other provider who initiates the trial discussion then refers the subject to the study team and/or UW Enrolling Provider for enrollment.  

Not Required. Used to track internal referrals for treatment trials. Enter if applicable and known.
Not Mapped Not Mapped

Protocol Staff Role contact 
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Owned by:
Molly H. in SMPH Research Informatics
SMPH Research Informatics