OnCore: Outside Research Group (ORG) Study Team Responsibilities

For Non-oncology study teams conducting oncology protocols, UWCCC PRMC creates the protocol in OnCore based on the ORG PRMC Initial Protocol Submission Form. From there, the study team has the bulk of the responsibility to update and maintain the OnCore record for that protocol.

Responsibilities of the study team when maintaining an ORG study in OnCore

Non-oncology/SMPH staff conducting oncology protocols are responsible in OnCore for:​

  • Additional OnCore protocol entry (PC Console)
  • Developing specifications (Calendars > Specifications)
  • Financial related data entry (Financial Console)
  • Navigating the OnCore protocol through administrative sign-offs
    • Ancillary Services Review
    • SMPH Review
    • CRA Sign-off
  • Adhering to UWCCC SOPs
  • Addressing Data Table 4 (DT4) queries

 Responsibilities of ORG, CRCO, and PAC

Keywordsother outside research group   Doc ID118641
OwnerIlsa G.GroupSMPH Research Informatics
Created2022-05-20 11:58:41Updated2023-05-08 08:00:42
SitesSMPH Research Informatics
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