OnCore: Questions to Answer Before Creating a New SMPH Protocol in WISC OnCore

Is it okay to create my protocol in WISC OnCore?

Before you create a NEW protocol in WISC OnCore, answer these questions:

  • Is the protocol oncology-related?

    • Is the scientific question of the protocol cancer related?

    • Is the protocol specifically targeting cancer patients for enrollment in this study?

    • Does this study involve the review and/or use of any of the following from cancer patients?
      • biological specimens
      • data
      • images
      • records

If the answer to all the questions above is no, then proceed with creating the protocol in OnCore
using the SMPH Organizational Unit and Non-oncology Library.

If the answer to any of the questions above is yes, do not create a NEW protocol in OnCore.
You will follow the instructions on the ORG PRMC Submission SOP, beginning by submitting an Outside Research Group (ORG) PRMC Initial Protocol Submission Form.

Keywordscreate oncology outside UWCCC ORG other research group   Doc ID118649
OwnerIlsa G.GroupSMPH Research Informatics
Created2022-05-20 12:38:01Updated2023-05-08 07:58:47
SitesSMPH Research Informatics
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