Results: 101-120 of 284

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
101IND/IDE Details: Holder Name431832023-12-04275
102IND/IDE Details: Holder Type431822023-12-04375
103IND/IDE Details: ID431812023-12-04310
104OnCore: DFD - RC Annual Accrual Goal247332023-12-04382
105OnCore: DFD - Accrual Duration (Months)247352023-12-04434
106OnCore: DFD - Rare Disease1032872023-11-30309
107OnCore: DFD - Include Specimen Banking?242062023-11-30450
108OnCore: DFD - Adjuvant242042023-11-30481
109OnCore: DFD - Registration Center1268902023-11-30233
110OnCore: DFD - Cancer Control1268622023-11-30140
111OnCore: DFD - Involves Therapy? [Campus login required]241902023-11-3036
112OnCore: DFD - Investigator Initiated Protocol239892023-11-30411
113OnCore: DFD - Consent at Age of Majority239282023-11-30511
114OnCore: DFD - Age241912023-11-30501
115OnCore: DFD - Scope239152023-11-30418
116OnCore: DFD - Organizational Unit1176882023-11-30356
117OnCore: DFD - Department239382023-11-30463
118Staff Tab DFD [Campus login required]861432023-10-2011
119Consent DFD [Campus login required]717382023-08-2225
120Deviations DFD [Campus login required]883352023-07-0619
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