Results: 21-40 of 446

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
21OnCore: Documenting Subject Visits as Missed or Not Applicable [Campus login required]315982025-01-0274
22OnCore: How do I obtain a EPIC Medical Record Number (MRN) for a Subject? [Campus login required]127902025-01-02414
23OnCore: Protocol Entry Requirements127752025-01-024903
24OnCore: Overview127742024-12-3011104
25OnCore User's Guide: Subject Search [Campus login required]456472024-12-1350
26OnCore User's Guide: Protocol Search [Campus login required]583482024-12-1321
27OnCore: Documenting a Subject as ON STUDY [Campus login required]278862024-12-13314
28OnCore Usage Decision Tree [Campus login required]1362992024-12-11550
29OnCore: Automated Sequence Number1222492024-12-10748
30OnCore WISC: Using the SMPH Requirements Report (Non-oncology) [Campus login required]1182212024-12-1049
31OnCore: Documenting a Deviation Using the Deviations Tab (Non-oncology) [Campus login required]646252024-12-1048
32OnCore: Budget Negotiation and Milestones [Campus login required]643842024-12-10166
33OnCore: How long will a UROC Review take once I submit my study? (includes due dates and committee meeting dates) [Campus login required]1284022024-12-09165
34OnCore: UW Health/SMPH Research Operations Committee (UROC) [Campus login required]1283842024-12-09879
35OnCore: Adding Institutions and Study Sites to a Protocol [Campus login required]383762024-12-09437
36OnCore: Steps to select an Ultrasound (US), Computerized Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) research radiology scan in WISC Oncore [Campus login required]217672024-12-09181
37OnCore: Documenting a Serious Adverse Event (SAE) Using the SAEs Tab (Non-oncology) [Campus login required]212202024-12-09352
38OnCore: Requesting Staff Contact Records in OnCore [Campus login required]170642024-12-09617
39OnCore (WISC): Starting to Build an OnCore Calendar/Assigning a Protocol Specification [Campus login required]1177102024-12-03160
40OnCore: Adding a Participant to a Protocol in OnCore [Campus login required]340542024-12-03353
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