Results: 41-60 of 284

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
41OnCore: DFD - Annotations: ICTR Project ID Number (ICTR Admin Use Only):1018902024-07-19462
42OnCore: DFD - Annotations: Study Finder Website1018892024-07-19507
43OnCore: DFD - Annotations: Stigmatizing Study Questionnaire1018862024-07-19580
44OnCore: DFD - Certificate(s) of Confidentiality1269012024-07-16468
45OnCore: DFD - Cancer Prevention1268632024-06-10223
46On Study DFD [Campus login required]717522024-05-2355
47OnCore: DFD - Protocol Type241892024-05-22684
48Identifier Type993582024-05-21408
49OnCore: DFD - Path1227352024-04-15421
50OnCore: DFD - Flowchart1227342024-04-15530
51OnCore: DFD - Research Group1227322024-04-15437
52OnCore: DFD - Program Areas1226822024-04-15484
53OnCore: DFD - Allow Duplicate Enrollment?251372024-04-15615
54OnCore: DFD - Hospital Account No.242372024-04-15600
55OnCore: DFD - Use Randomize Algorithm1017662024-04-15486
56OnCore: DFD - Automated Sequence No.1017652024-04-15558
57OnCore: DFD - NCI Trial ID1017612024-04-15460
58OnCore: DFD - CRU Category1017592024-04-15509
59OnCore: DFD - CRU Approval Date1017582024-04-15506
60OnCore: DFD - CRU No.1017572024-04-15485
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