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Learning Space: Create Activity

Created by Brandon Dietz on May 24, 2022


  • Update start and end date
    • End date removes the activity from listings
    • Set end date as month 

Edit Activity screen with Basics tab selected and the end date textbox hilighted

  • Update Type to Lab, Exam, etc.

edit activity page with basics tab selected and LAB option in the type dropdown selected

  • Update client to correct department

edit activity window with basics tab selected and under close dropdown, physics assistant program is selected

  • Update video start to - pre-encounter learner part display (if door scenario is the trigger)

edit activity window with basics tab selected and under the video start dropdown, pre-encounter learner part display is selected

  • Assign Case to Activity

edit activity window with basic tab selected, there is a search box for cases and the test case is selected


  • Faculty group - PA Owners

screenshot of faculty group dropdown with PA Owners selected

  • SP group - Always standardized patients

SA group dropdown with Standardized patients selected

  • Learner group created/selected for this event

learner group dropdown with physician assistant students selected


  • Faculty Evaluations
  • Peer to peer evaluations


  • Check 3rd box on the left column (data entry only allowed from manually authorized workstations)

edit activity window with options tab selected and the data entry only allowed from manually authorized workstations box is checked

  • If using faculty evaluations select Jump to classic FON data entry...  this helps with faculty view

data entry section with the data entry only allowed from manually authorized workstation box checked, and the jump to classic fon data entry page from the your activities table box is checked


  • Learner access
    • Video review
    • Allow peer access to video (for peer to peer)

learner access tab is hilighted and the individual checklist box is checked, and the peer evaluation box is checked

edit activity window with the reports tab selected. the allow peer access to video box is checked and the video review box is checked

  • Check enable report access for learners during the activity

edit activity window with the reports tab hilighted. the enable report access for learners during the activity box is checked

  • Check the selected reports to allow students to access their own videos

edit activity window with reports tab selected and under selected reports section the specific case is selected

  • Ensure all are check under-report reviewer access

edit activity window with reports tab selected. under the report access section, all boxes are checked

Advanced Scheduling

  • Create timeslots
  • Click Add New event

event setup section with add new event button hilighted

  •  Enter the title, start date, start time 
  • Update number of time slots, length, and time after (Typically 2 minutes for SPs)

 under the new event, number of timesheets to report, length, and time after minutes are set by a numerical value

  • Select create all timeslots

create all timeslots button is hilighted

  • Create a "special timeslot" for a break with no time after. (Typical Break is 7 minutes)

special timeslot radio button is slected and the time says 11:08 AM labeled BREAK. the length textbox is 7 minutes and the time after textbox is 0

  • Stations - room numbers.   (FYI purple A is a walkthrough space for SPs, and Purple DEF is preferred over ABC due to column by room C)
    • Select the number of rooms assigned for the event and click continue

in the scheduling stations window, 9 is selected in the stations dropdown

  • Case will be set as Event, update Room to assigned rooms; i.e. Orange A, Purple B, etc. (PA typically uses Orange and Purple for patient encounters and green and blue for write-ups)

scheduling stations window. 2 sections. section one room dropdown 3283 room selected. section two 3825 room selected.

  • Spots - Select custom enter number of students

scheduling spots setup screen with section round #1 set to custom and the number of spots set to 52

  • Generate assignments 
    •  Assign all students to the event under move to

under unassigned, the move to section is hilighted. students are listed here and there is a Move To dropdown option

  • Ensure unchecking keep previous assignments
  • You can enter students in a specific order for room layout, or select randomize

Keep previous assignments is unchecked. automatic assignment button is hilighted

  • To view the schedule once the above items are complete click on the date hyperlink.

under the events setup section, the hyperlink of the monday 12/16/2019 example event is hilighted 

  • You can manually override and move students around as needed.
  • Click compact view for a printable schedule of rooms and students

daily reviewer window. compact view checkbox is hilighted

smph it knowledge base learning space create activity 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Brianna M. in SMPH
School of Medicine and Public Health