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Accepting Offer to install Software

Created by Dave Munz, last modified on Feb 27, 2020

SMPH shared services IT has several option software packages that are available to install though Offers

  1. Look for the W symbol, in the bottom right hand side of your taskbar.
    *Note if you do not see the icons it could mean that your computer has not offers available.
    IBM big fix support center with software hilighted and accept button hilighted
  2. In the offers tab select from available software
  3. Then Click Accept
    big fix icon on a mac taskbar
  4. A message should appear when installing and when the action is complete.
  1. In the Menu bar in the top look for the Blue "B" and click on it
    *Note if you do not see the icons it could mean that your computer has not offers available.
    W symbol in a computer task bar
  2. In the offers tab from available software
  3. Then Click Accept
  4. A message should appear when installing and when the action is complete.


TEMOfferW.png (image/png)
TEMOfferJabber2.png (image/png)
TEMOfferMac1.png (image/png)

smph it knowledge base accepting offer to install software 
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Isaac W. in SMPH
School of Medicine and Public Health