Position Recruitment Tracker (PoRT) - Risk Levels
Requests will be reviewed and approved based on risk levels: Low Risk requests are approved within 24 hours. Intermediate and High-Risk requests must be submitted by Friday at 12:00pm and are reviewed at weekly meetings (usually Mondays at 3:00pm).
Low Risk
Requires approval of Central SMPH Recruitment only
Risk Category | Notes |
Exact replacements of staff |
"Exact replacement" means the following are true with regard to prior incumbent:
Refer to “Replacement of research staff” below for exception to this rule |
Faculty positions in clinical departments with documented Workforce Planning (WFP) approval |
Applies to both new and replacement positions. Documentation of approval must come from WFP committee directly, not from DA or other departmental employees. If Requestor has this documentation, they may attach it to the request to expedite review. Otherwise, SMPH Talent Acquisition Manager will need to confirm WFP approval before reviewing the request. |
Faculty track transfers |
Faculty Promotions team will forward Dean's approval memo to Central HR Operations, so request cannot be processed until memo is sent. |
Graduating Student Help moving to Temporary Employee positions - 12 months or shorter |
Requests for positions longer than 12 months will be considered Intermediate Risk. |
EIT waived into permanent position following completion of training program |
Research Associates or Postdoctoral Fellows/Trainees being waived into permanent positions using waiver reason of "Training Completion for Employee-In-Training Titles” |
New Clinical Instructor positions with documented Workforce Planning (WFP) approval. (i.e. 5% moonlighters, residents, fellows, unaccredited fellows) |
Documentation of approval must come from WFP committee directly, not from DA or other departmental employees. If Requestor has this documentation, they may attach it to the request to expedite the review. Otherwise, SMPH Talent Acquisition Manager will need to confirm WFP approval before reviewing the request. Low-Risk determination is only for WFP-approved new positions funded with UW Health dollars. New instructor positions with only SMPH funding will be considered high risk |
Replacement or Reappointment of Clinical Instructor positions (i.e. 5% clinical instructors, clinical fellows or chief residents, unaccredited fellows) |
Expected to be fixed-term terminal position at Instructor rank. Low Risk determination is only for replacement with no additional or new UW Health funding; if department is adding additional positions, WFP approval is required. |
Replacement of research staff within same title series as prior incumbent with no FTE increase | "Research staff" is considered to be Research Specialist, Researcher, and Scientist title series.
Rank of new position may be higher than rank of prior incumbent, as long as the position is in the same title series and FTE is not higher than prior incumbent. |
Rehired Annuitants | Applies to both new requests and requests to extend current rehired annuitants.
Per campus policy, rehired annuitants may only be appointed for a maximum of 12 months at a time and require extension after that. |
Terminal staff positions - 6 months or less |
Intermediate Risk
Requires approval of Central SMPH Recruitment and Finance
Risk Category | Notes |
New, ongoing/renewable staff positions |
*Talent Acquisition Manager has the authority to approve the following research titles after they have received fiscal approval:
Graduating Student Help moving to Temporary Employee position - longer than 12 months |
Staff replacements with larger FTE, more senior title, or different title series | Refer to “Replacement of research staff” in Low Risk for exception to this rule |
Terminal staff positions - longer than 6 months |
High Risk
Requires approval of Central SMPH Recruitment, Finance, and SMPH HR senior leadership (
Risk Category | Notes |
Positions with position cap definition of "Position within position cap" | |
Position requests within an operational area that had recent layoffs | |
Faculty positions without WFP approval |
Includes Basic Sciences and any clinical department faculty for which UW Health Practice Plan Administration has determined Workforce Planning review is not necessary for example: new clinical instructor position funded by SMPH only. |
Leadership positions |
Typically Limited appointments and Director Level II (and above). Although directors or administrators in Academic Staff titles may also be determined to qualify. |
Strategic staff positions as defined by the Dean’s Office leadership |