Faculty Track Attestations: Review of Hire Placement for Assistant Professors

This KB provides information on the track attestation process for faculty at the Assistant Professor rank during their first 3 years of appointment. This is applicable for faculty on the following SMPH tracks – Tenure, Clinical Health Sciences (CHS), and Clinician Teacher (CT).

The SMPH Faculty Promotions Team (FPT) sends an annual memo out to all Clinical and Basic Sciences Department Chairs, Department Administrators, as well as internal department faculty promotions specialists regarding this exercise. SMPH HR Associate Directors and SMPH HRBP’s are also copied on this memo as an FYI. The memo is sent in March of each year, and all required documents are due from departments by June 30th of the given year. Most departments will send all final documentation directly to the SMPH FPT as instructed, but some may ask for the HRBP’s assistance in submitting the forms.

Annual Track Attestation Workflow

According to SMPH policy, faculty track transfers are only allowed during the first three years of a faculty member’s appointment on all SMPH tracks. To ensure that mentoring/promotions oversite committees (POC) and early-career faculty members discuss track placement, an annual form must be completed and signed by both parties for the first three years of each assistant professor’s appointment. It is the responsibility of each department to track which faculty members this workflow is applicable to.

Important note: In some instances, where applicable faculty with tenure or CHS promotion clocks have received a clock extension, this may also extend the window in which they may transfer tracks.  Please refer to the SMPH Track Transfer Guidelines and FAQ.  Track attestations must be done for each year a faculty member is eligible to transfer.

The department chair is responsible for collecting and reviewing all required forms and sending all the signed final attestation forms to the SMPH Faculty Promotions Team. The forms and workflow are documented as follows:

  1. A list of all faculty who have completed their attestation process must be submitted.
  2. A signed individual attestation form for each faculty member (which includes the signature of the faculty member and the mentoring/promotion oversight committee chair).
  3. A signed attestation from the department chair, attesting that all faculty who are in their first three years of appointment are on the correct track.

Basic Science Departments: This has historically been sent to only Clinical Science departments, however, if a Basic Science Department utilizes the CHS track, they may want to use this in the review of early-career faculty who may wish to switch from CHS to tenure or tenure to CHS track. However, it is not required for basic science departments.

Faculty, Track, Attestation, CHS, CT, Tenure, Assistant Professor, 3 years 
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Faculty Promotions in SMPH Human Resources
SMPH Human Resources