Submitting a Remote Work Agreement

This KB provides guidance to SMPH employees when submitting a Remote Work Agreement (RWA). It outlines key considerations and common errors to help employees complete their agreements correctly. Contact your supervisor or HR Business Partner with any questions.


Before creating an agreement in the system, employees should review the Employee Checklist for Completing a Remote Work Agreement and have a conversation with their supervisor regarding expectations and equipment.

Any employees engaging in international remote work must have an approved International Business Necessity Request prior to completing a Remote Work Agreement.


Creating and Accessing Agreements

Remote Work Agreements are created and accessed one of two ways:

1. The Remote Work Agreement Landing Page within HRS

2. Logging into MyUW > Personal Information > Update My Personal Information > Remote Work Agreement

Menu Options

Add: Used to create a new agreement. Do not use when modifying or correcting an existing agreement.

Evaluate: Used to approve, deny, or push back and agreement (approvers only). 

PRO TIP: Clicking the Search button with all search fields blank will return all agreements pending your review.

Update: Used to add to, change, or withdraw an agreement that has not been submitted or has been pushed back.

View: Used to look up agreements in any status.

Agreement Guidance

Expand the drop downs to review the guidance related to the corresponding section of the agreement.

Employee Information

Employees with more than one appointment must make sure to select the correct Working Title from the drop down menu. Agreements with the incorrect Working Title will be pushed back for corrections.


Verify the business address matches the location you work if onsite. The accuracy of this field could impact any future mileage reimbursements.

Remote Work Location(s) and Agreement Duration

Confirm your home (remote) address and enter the agreement start and end dates. 

Agreements are on a fiscal year cycle and cannot be longer than 1 year in length. 

  • Start date is equal to one of the options below:
    • Appointment start date
    • First day of remote work
    • July 1 of the current year. 
  • End date is equal to one of the options below, whichever is sooner:

    • Appointment end date
    • Last day of remote work
    • June 30 of the following year

  In some instances, the end date may represent a shorter duration of time, for these please reflect the actual date range for that remote work arrangement.

Schedule, Hours, and Comments

Schedule Type

  • General Hours
    • Used to enter percentages of time spent working remotely and onsite.
    • Percentages can be average estimates. They do not have to be exact.
    • Ex: 2 days remotely and 3 days onsite will be entered as 40% and 60%.
  • Daily Chart
    • Used to specify specific hours worked and locations for specific days.

Schedule Comments

  • Note any expectations discussed with your supervisor regarding your schedule.
    • Ex: Will work onsite Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

Required Attendance

All employees must include the following statement to the Attendance Expectations box. 

Attend onsite meetings, trainings, and functions as requested by supervisor.

Job Responsibilities and Duties

This field only applies to international remote work. If you are not working internationally, enter N/A.

Equipment for Remote Workspace

All agreements must include equipment in at least one of these boxes.

  • All department-issued equipment must be listed in the ‘UW-Madison Owned Hardware’ box.
  • All employee-owned equipment must be listed in the ‘Employee-Owned Hardware’ box.

NOTE:  The Technology Access, Cybersecurity, and Compliance section includes a question about regular use of employee-owned hardware. The details of these boxes must coincide with your answer to that question.

  • If you answer YES to that question, you must identify the employee-owned devices in this section.

Technology Access, Cybersecurity, and Compliance

Most employees will minimally need to select public data and internal data. Work with your supervisor to determine if you will work with sensitive data and/or restricted data. See the table below for definitions and examples of each data type.

Employees who work with sensitive and/or restricted data must use department-owned hardware per UW Policy UW-526: Endpoint Management and Security

The most common error in Remote Work Agreements is answering “Yes” to the following question, when the answer should be “No”. This error will cause your agreement to be pushed back for modification and may set-off risk flags with the Cybersecurity Office and the Office of HIPAA Compliance. 

Screen shot of employee owned hardware question within the Remote Work Agreement.

  • This answer must be NO if you are using department issued equipment to perform your work.
  • This answer must be YES if you are using employee-owned equipment to perform your work. The equipment must also be listed in the employee-owned equipment box of the Equipment for Remote Workspace section above.
  • Answering YES to this question while working with sensitive and/or restricted data will generate risk flags and delay approval of your agreement. Please work with your supervisor and department IT to be issued a department-owned device.
  • Contact your HR Business Partner before submitting any agreement that answers YES to this question and/or YES to working with sensitive or restricted data.

Any employee working with restricted data and Protected Health Information (PHI) must agree to limiting the access, transfer, and storage of data to UW approved tools.

Data Types

Table providing 4 types of data along with their definitions
Type Definition
Public Data displayed on web-sites or published without access restrictions; and when the unauthorized disclosure, alteration or destruction of that data would result in little or no risk to the University and its affiliates.
Internal Unauthorized disclosure, alteration, loss or destruction of that data could result in some risk to the University, affiliates, or research projects. By default, all Institutional Data that is not explicitly classified as Restricted, Sensitive or Public data should be treated as Internal data.
Sensitive Unauthorized disclosure, alteration, loss or destruction of that data could cause a moderate level of risk to the University, affiliates or research projects. Data should be classified as Sensitive if the loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability of the data could have a serious adverse effect on university operations, assets or individuals.
Restricted Unauthorized disclosure, alteration, loss or destruction of that data could cause a significant level of risk to the University, affiliates or research projects. Data should be classified as Restricted if protection of the data is required by law or regulation or UW-Madison is required to self-report to the government and/or provide notice to the individual if the data is inappropriately accessed.

Additional information, as well as examples of data, can be found on the Data Classification web page and in the Data Classification Policy.



creating agreement, remote work location, agreement duration, schedule, required attendance, onsite, hybrid, international, workspace, work space, cybersecurity, compliance, RWA 
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Owned by:
Brianna Q. in SMPH Human Resources
SMPH Human Resources