Headquarter Location

This KB provides guidance to SMPH supervisors and employees regarding an employees headquarter location.

UW Madison's definition of Headquarter Location: "The official location (Tax Home, Official Station, etc.) where the employee's work is performed on a permanent basis; this is typically the campus or institution office. The headquarter location is determined by the needs of the University and is assigned at the time of hire or upon entering into a remote work agreement."

An employee's default headquarter location is the position's assigned office or work location at the university.  This would generally be where the department would assign their office at the university. E.g. HSLC, WIMR, MFCB. 

Headquarter Location is at the University

The employee's headquarters location is the position's assigned office or work location at the university if

      1. the employee works remotely less than 100% of the time;
      2. the employee works remotely 100% of the time voluntarily and not as a condition or expectation of their appointment;
      3. The employee is assigned to work remotely 100% of the time as a condition or expectation of employment AND their home or alternate work location is within 85 miles of the position's normally-assigned office or work location

An employee may not be reimbursed for travel from home or an alternate work location to the position's assigned office or work location unless the employee's headquarters location is assigned to the alternate work location.  

Please Note: We have employee's whose assigned office or work location is outside of Madison, e.g. DHS location in Milwaukee or Fox Valley, or other UW Campuses, their assigned office or work location is that location. Their business location in HRS Modify a person should reflect this address.  If there isn't a business code that accurately reflects this, then please add a Headquarter city that represents the building they work in. 

Headquarter Location is an Alternative or Home Address

The employee's headquarters location is their home or alternate work location if the employee is assigned to work remotely 100% of the time as a condition or expectation of employment, and their home or alternate work location is greater than 85 miles of the position's normally-assigned office or work location.  An alternate work location does not become the employee's headquarters unless it is determined to be in the best interest of the university.

SMPH HR must approve any remote work agreement that proposes changing an employee's headquarter location from the position's normally assigned office or work location. Please submit a request here.

Determination Tool

For guidance on determining what an employee's headquarter location is, please use our Headquarter Location Determination Tool below or visit the Qualtrics site

Request Alternative Headquarter Location

To request an alternative headquarter location for an employee, please have the department administrator or unit leader complete a requst form.  

These requests may take up to 30 days to review. 

RWA location, headquarters, home address, RWA address, reimbursable travel, traveling to campus from home 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Brianna Q. in SMPH Human Resources
SMPH Human Resources