Windows - Frequently Asked Questions

This document provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Windows.

What version of Windows do I have?

See: Windows - Determining Version

Is my version of Windows 32-bit or 64-bit?

See: Windows (Vista, 10, 11) - Determining 32-Bit, 64-Bit, or ARM Versions

What is a file system and what is the difference between NTFS and FAT?

See: File Systems Overview

What is Safe Mode and how do I boot Windows into Safe Mode?

See: Windows - Booting into Safe Mode

How do I uninstall a program?

See: Windows 7 & Vista - Uninstalling a Program or [Link for document 12038 is unavailable at this time]

How do I keep Windows secure from viruses and malware?

Because of the number of computers with Windows installed, virus and malware distributors often target Windows in order to have the most effect. Because of this, it is very important that Windows computers be properly secured. This is most easily done by activating Windows Defender, which is installed on all copies of Windows 10. Please see [Link for document 100278 is unavailable at this time] for instructions.

In addition to having a working anti-virus program, Windows computers need to be updated on a regular basis to remain secure. See Windows - Using Windows Update for directions on how to keep Windows up-to-date.

Will my older programs work with newer versions of Windows?

See: [Link for document 11976 is unavailable at this time] or [Link for document 5175 is unavailable at this time]

How to I adjust the system time on a Windows computer?

See: Windows 7, 8, and Vista - Changing the System Date and Time or [Link for document 12541 is unavailable at this time]

versions 32 64 bit 32-bit 64-bit file system fs ntfs fat fat32 safe mode safemode boot uninstall program security virus malware protection secure compatibility compatible older programs newer win wintel windows win7 vista winxp xp win2k 2000 2k winme me millennium win9x 9x win98se 98 se second edition win95 95 ms microsoft faq win8 win10 win8.1 7 8 10 
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