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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2021-02-01

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 02/08/2021

University Committee

Minutes for February 01, 2021

Approved February 08, 2021 

UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Tracy, Wolf (chair)

Others present not mentioned below: Michaela Aust, Greg Bump, Tim Dalby, Gideon Elliott, Michelle Felber, Lesley Fisher, Amol Goyal, Yvonne Kim, John Lucas, Matt Mayrl, Lori Reesor, Jane Richard, Jake Smith, Bill Tishler

Chair Wolf called the meeting to order 1:02 pm.

Tracy moved to approve the minutes of January 25, 2021. Seconded. Passed.

Professor Chad Goldberg and Greg Steinberger, Director of UW Hillel, returned to ask for a resolution to the fall 2021 academic calendar when the first day of instruction falls on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah (September 8). After discussions with John Zumbrunnen, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, and Provost Karl Scholz, the UC concluded that the obstacles to make changes at this late stage are too great. The burden would mainly fall on the registrar’s office to make the largely manual changes to the many, many financial aid programs by mid-February. The chancellor’s convocation, however, will be moved from the 1st day of Rosh Hashanah (September 7).  Goldberg and Steinberger recommended that the faculty’s policy on the academic calendar be adapted to consider accommodations for religious holidays.

Chancellor Rebecca Blank updated the UC on COVID-19 testing and vaccinations: testing is going well, as sample rejection rates are down to 1% and most results are reported within 24 hours; about 4000 campus colleagues have been vaccinated and the “1b” tier underway; she requested that campus be a hub for community vaccination once the supply is more plentiful.

UW-Madison traditionally hosts the February meeting of the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents. Online this year, various committees of the board will hear presentations from Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, Provost Karl Scholz, and Steve Ackerman, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education. Chancellor Blank will give remarks to the whole board, sharing news from the Madison campus. The new Budget in Brief document has been released, as has a new version of the economic impact study of UW-Madison on the state, last issued in 2016 or 2017.

The search and screen process for the Chief Diversity Officer has just started, and the search and screen committee for the Vice Chancellor of Legal Affairs is coming together.

The $9.9 million federal funding for student assistance is ready to be distributed, although it’s still not clear if Dreamers are eligible. Last year, the same amount was distributed to about 9,000 students. Unlikely to be available to international students, there is a special fund for them.

In a rare appearance on the front page of the Wisconsin State Journal sports section, the chancellor recapped her recent meeting with the Athletic Board, and shared with the UC. Athletics and related entities have lost more money during the pandemic than any other unit. Being careful with protocols for individuals, teams, and competitions has been successful and has allowed more athletes to compete this winter/spring than in the fall.

The fall 2021 online undergraduate degree programs will be announced soon.

Matthew Mitnick, ASM chair, said that 3 students have been appointed to the grading policies task force. The student council passed legislation regarding academic policies, asking again for a later deadline for a pass/fail option, and, among other things, an option to repeat courses. Mitnick asked the UC to support a COVID-19 student relief fund.

Tracy moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers, grievances, and committee appointments. Seconded. Passed at 2:00 pm. One tenure clock extension and a dual role waiver were approved.

Masters moved to convene in open session. Seconded. Passed at 2:40 pm when Chair Wolf adjourned the meeting. 

Submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Faculty

KeywordsUniversity committee   Doc ID108935
OwnerJenny S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2021-02-09 15:51:27Updated2023-07-05 15:41:51
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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