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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2022-05-23
University Committee Minutes for May 23, 2022
members present: Babcock, Halverson, Papp, Thibeault
Others: Michael
Bernard-Donals, Lesley Fisher, Alex Peirce, Jane Richard, Jake Smith
called the meeting to order at 1:33.
minutes for the meeting of May 9 were approved.
Cramer, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, discussed the Willow
Creek master plan. The next steps are to incorporate the ideas into west end
planning and engage with the native nations on the proposals.
Seitz, Director of Strategic Initiatives, provided high level results from the
Administrative Quality Satisfaction Survey that was conducted in February.
There was an 18% response rate with average satisfaction rating of 3.85 out of
5. There are over 25,000 qualitative responses from 3500 people. 25% of faculty
responded and reported the overall lowest satisfaction. There were many
comments on Title and Total Compensation Project and ShopUW+. The next steps including
sharing these results, processing the qualitative responses, and developing
analysis tools for schools/colleges/divisions. They plan to conduct a follow up
survey in two years.
Daniels, Secretary of the Faculty, announced that UW-Milwaukee passed a
resolution urging the use of the word “emerit” for emeritus/a. University
Communications is adding the term to their dictionary. The University Committee
has been invited to appoint a faculty member to the Police Advisory Committee.
The committee currently has no faculty members. The person appointed could also
participate in the group looking at quarterly statistics for UWPD.
Daniels also reported that the Learning and Talent Development in the Office of
Human Resources is beginning to put together faculty training on supervising.
Faculty who would be interested in participating in this process should contact
the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty.
moved to convene in closed session; it was seconded and approved at 2:45.
moved to reconvene in open session; it was seconded and approved at 3:43.
Papp adjourned the meeting at 3:43.