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Faculty Senate Minutes 2022-12-05

Minutes approved 02-06-2023

Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. with 143 voting members present (101 needed for quorum). Memorial resolutions were offered for Professor Emeritus Kang Chao (Faculty Document 3053) and Professor Emeritus Edward Henry Vidruk (Faculty Document 3054).

Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin thanked Provost Karl Scholz for his leadership on campus following his announcement to return to the faculty. The Senate recognized Provost Scholz with their applause. The search for a new provost is underway and a search and screen committee is being formed. A new position, vice chancellor for communications, is being created, and a search will be launched in the near future. 

As part of her listening and learning this fall, the chancellor welcomed members of the university community to share their thoughts via an online form by the end of the year. Over 800 people have provided input on what is working well at UW-Madison and where there are opportunities. This feedback is in addition to meetings she has been holding around campus and within the community. Her official investiture as chancellor will be held April 14, 2022. 

This year, over 900 students from 66 of the 72 counties in Wisconsin are being supported through Bucky’s Tuition Promise. 74% of these students are from outside Milwaukee and Madison. Over 4,000 students have benefited from Bucky’s Tuition Promise. The first full class of recipients graduated last May. 

Carolina Sarmiento, assistant professor in the School of Human Ecology, received the 2022 UW System Women of Color in Education Award and Finn Enke, professor in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies, received the UW System P.B. Poorman Award for Outstanding Achievement on Behalf of LGBTQ+ People. 

UW-Madison has a new football coach, Luke Fickell. His salary will be paid entirely by the Athletic Department and gifts to athletics. UW-Madison has a self-supporting athletic department. 

Professor Lauren Papp, University Committee chair, shared resources for supporting student well-being on campus. She announced that the LGBTQ+ Committee recommendation to hire an LGBTQ+ employee retention specialist position has been acted upon, and the Office of Human Resources has posted the position.

The minutes of the November 7, 2022 meeting were approved by consent. Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures (FPP) standardizing membership information for the Athletic Board (Faculty Document 3055) were approved by consent.

Professor Jennifer Schomaker (Chemistry, district 48) presented the University Curriculum Committee annual report for 2021-2022 (Faculty Document 3056). Professor Peter Miller (Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, district 28) presented the Athletic Board annual report for 2021-2022 (Faculty Document 3057). Professor Elmo Rawling (Extension, district 117) presented the Budget Committee annual report for 2021-2022 (Faculty Document 3058). There were no questions on these reports.

Professor Judd Kinzley (History, district 60) moved approval to amend Faculty Policies and Procedures to include a Library Resources Committee for the Arts, Social Sciences, Humanities (Faculty Document 3052 revised). The motion was seconded and approved.

Professor Judd Kinzley (History, district 60) moved approval to remove the Memorial Library Committee from faculty legislation (Faculty Document 3059). The motion was seconded and approved.

Professor Li Chiao-Ping, University Committee member, moved approval to amend Faculty Policies and Procedures to add a nonvoting member to the University Libraries Committee and to standardize its membership information (Faculty Document 3060). The motion was approved.

Professor Michael Bernard-Donals, University Committee member, moved approval of a resolution commending and calling for the continuation of the UW-Madison Public History Project (Faculty Document 3061). The motion was approved.

Professor Dietram Scheufele (Life Sciences Communication, district 3), Committee on Honorary Degrees chair, moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to provide the confidential report of the Committee on Honorary Degrees. The motion was seconded and approved at 4:18 p.m. Professor Scheufele presented background information on the honorary degree nominees. Senators voted by paper or electronic ballot on the honorary degrees to be bestowed in May 2023. The nominees were approved with 122 votes cast. The names of the candidates remain confidential until an official announcement in the spring. Professor Eric Sandgren (Pathobiological Sciences, district 113) moved to reconvene in open session. The motion was seconded and approved at 4:27 p.m. 

Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin adjourned the meeting at 4:27 p.m. 

KeywordsFaculty Senate   Doc ID123921
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2023-02-08 11:45:33Updated2024-06-24 09:29:42
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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