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University Committee Agendas and Minutes June 2020 to May 2021

Meetings minutes are linked from each agenda once approved.


May 2021

 Agenda for May 24, 2021, 1:45 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:45 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 17, 2021
4. (1:55) PROFS Update
5. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
6. (no earlier than 2:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and committee appointments
7. Reconvene in open session
8. Meeting wrap up
9. Adjourn

 Agenda for May 17, 2021, 1:45, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:45 pm) Meeting commences
2. (1:45) Rob Cramer, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Planning and Management
3. (2:00) Karen Massetti-Moran, Director of Total Rewards, Office of Human Resources
4. (2:15) Announcements and updates
5. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 10, 2021
6. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
7. Meeting wrap up
8. Adjourn

 Agenda for May 10, 2021, 1:30 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 3. 2021
4. (1:40) PROFS update
5. (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
6. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
7. (2:30) Pete Miller, chair, Athletic Board
8. (2:45) Conflict of Commitment
9. (no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers
10. Reconvene in open session
11. Meeting wrap up
12. Adjourn

 Agenda for May 3, 2021, 1:45 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair) 
1. (1:45 pm) Meeting commences
2. (no earlier than 1:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers
3. Reconvene in open session
4. (2:00) Steve Ackerman, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education
5. (2:20) Announcements and updates
6. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 26, 2021
7. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
8. Meeting wrap up
9. Adjourn

April 2021

 Agenda for April 26, 2021, 1:30 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair) 
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 19, 2021
4. (1:40) PROFS update
5. Faculty Senate Review
6. Remote Work Policy
7. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
8. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
9. (2:50) Eric Raimy, UW System Representative for UW-Madison
10. Conflict of Commitment
11. (no earlier than 3:05) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers
12. Reconvene in open session
13. Meeting wrap up
14. Adjourn

 Agenda for April 19, 2021, 1:00 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 12, 2021
4. (1:15) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
5. (1:30) Dante Fratta and J.J. Andrews, co-chairs, Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment and Financial Aid (annual report) 
6. (1:40) Remote Work Policy
7. (2:00) Karen Massetti-Moran, Director of Total Rewards, Office of Human Resources (single pay)
8. (no earlier than 2:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and grievances
9. Reconvene in open session
10. Meeting wrap up
11. Adjourn

 Agenda for April 12, 2021, 1:30 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences
2. (1:30) Carey McAndrews, chair, Campus Transportation Committee and Patrick Kass, Director, Transportation Services (annual report)
3. (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean, Graduate School
4. (2:00) Announcements and updates
5. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 5, 2021
6. (2:10) PROFS update
7. (2:30) Pete Miller, chair, Athletic Board
8. (2:45) Paola Hernandez, chair, Kemper Knapp Committee (annual report)
9. (no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers
10. Reconvene in open session
11. Meeting wrap up
12. Adjourn

 Agenda for April 5, 2021, 1:00 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair) 
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. (1:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
3. (1:30) Announcements and updates
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of March 29, 2021
5. (1:40) Cheryl Gittens, Interim Chief Diversity Officer
6. (2:00) Steve Ackerman, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education
7. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
8. (no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss grievances
9. Reconvene in open session
10. Meeting wrap up
11. Adjourn

March 2021

 Agenda for March 29, 2021, 1:00 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of March 22, 2021
4. (1:10) PROFS update
5. (1:15) Faculty Senate Review
6. Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor policy
7. (1:30) Kristen Roman, UW Police Chief, and Louis Macias, Executive Director of Recruitment, Diversity and Inclusion
8. (2:00) Junko Mori, Chair, Archives Committee; Sean Fain, Chair, Library Committee, and Lisa Carter, Vice Provost for Libraries
9. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
10. (no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and grievances
11. Reconvene in open session
12. Meeting wrap up
13. Adjourn

 Agenda for March 22, 2021, 1:30, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences
2. (1:30) Kevin Jacobson, ASM Shared Governance Campaign Director, and Ellen Santos, ASM Vote Coordinator
3. (1:45) Announcements and updates
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of March 15, 2021
5. Chair selection for 2021-2022
6. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
7. (2:30) Adrian Treves, Chair, Committee on Disability Access and Inclusion; Ruben Mota, ADA Coordinator; and Mari Magler, Director, McBurney Disability Resource Center (Annual report and other business)
8. (2:50) Francisco Pelegri, chair, Department of Genetics, and other basic science chairs from School of Medicine and Public Health
9. (no earlier than 3:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waiver and grievance
10. Reconvene in open session
11. Meeting recap

 Agenda for March 15, 2021, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair) 
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. (1:00) Karl Scholz, Provost 
3. (1:15) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
4. (1:30) Announcements and updates
5. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of March 8, 2021
6. Promotion from associate professor to professor discussion
7. (no earlier than 2:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss committee appointments
8. Reconvene in open session
9. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
10. (no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss grievances and committee appointments
11. Reconvene in open session
12. Meeting wrap up
13. Adjourn

 Agenda for March 8, 2021, 1:30, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meetings of February 22, and March 1, 2021
4. (1:40) PROFS update
5. (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
6. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
7. (2:30) Pete Miller, chair, Athletic Board
8. (2:45) Cheryl Gittens, Interim Chief Diversity Officer
9. (no earlier than 3:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers, grievances and committee appointments
10. Convene in open session
11. Meeting wrap up
12. Adjourn

 Agenda for March 1, 2021, 1:00 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 22, 2021
4. (no earlier than 1:05) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss grievances and committee appointments
5. Reconvene in open session
6. (2:15) Steve Ackerman, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education
7. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
8. (no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss grievances and committee appointments
9. Meeting wrap up
10. Adjourn
Faculty Senate at 3:30

February 2021

 Agenda for February 22, 2021, 1:30 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair) 
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 15, 2021
4. (1:40) PROFS update
5. (1:45) Steph Tai, Chair of Committee for GLBTQ People in the University (annual report and Faculty Policies and Procedures changes)
6. Faculty Senate review
7. (no earlier than 2:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), (f) and (g) to discuss grievances, oral advice concerning strategy in litigation, and committee appointments
8. Reconvene in open session
9. Meeting wrap up
10. Adjourn

 Agenda for February 15, 2021, 1:00 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
**PROFS Board of Directors meeting at 12:45 pm**
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 8, 2021
4. (1:10) PROFS update
5. (1:15) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
6. (1:30) Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
7. (2:00) Karen Massetti-Moran, Office of Human Resources
8. (2:15) Faculty Senate Apportionment (Jane Richard)
9. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
10. (no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel issues and committee appointments
11. Reconvene in open session
12. Meeting wrap up
13. Adjourn

 Agenda for February 8, 2021, 1:30 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Sandgren, Masters, Papp, Wolf, Tracy
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 1, 2021
4. (1:40) PROFS update
5. (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
6. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
7. (2:30) Peter Miller, Athletic Board Chair
8. (no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss grievances
9. Convene in open session
10. Meeting wrap up
11. Adjourn

Agenda for February 1, 2021
1:00 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences.  
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 25, 2021
4. (1:10) Academic Calendar Fall 2021
5. (1:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
6. (1:50) Matthew Mitnick, ASM
7. (no earlier than 2:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss role waivers; grievances; committee appointments
8. Reconvene in open session
9. Meeting wrap up
10. Adjourn

January 2021

 Agenda for January 25, 2021, 1:30 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair) 
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences.  
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 11, 2021
4. Faculty Senate Review
5. (1:45) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
6. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
7. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
8. (2:50) Michael Bernard-Donals, PROFS (annual report)
9. (3:00) Chad Goldberg, Professor, Dept of Sociology, and Greg Steinberger, Director of UW Hillel
10.  (no earlier than 3:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss grievances, waivers and committee appointments
11. Reconvene in open session 
12. Meeting follow up
13. Adjourn

 Agenda for January 11, 2021, 1:00 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Sandgren, Masters, Papp, Tracy, Wolf (chair) 
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences.  
2. (1:00) Matthew Mitnick, ASM Chair (pass/fail grading for fall semester)
3. (1:30) Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
4. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
5. (2:30) Kate Moran, Vaishali Bakshi, and Lindsey Stoddard Cameron, Committee on Women in the University (annual report)
6. (2:40) Steph Tai, Law School, Faculty Senator (resolution on divestment)
7. Announcements and updates
8. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 4, 2021
9. (no earlier than 3:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and grievances
10. Reconvene in open session
11. Meeting wrap up
12. Adjourn

  Agenda for January 4, 2021, 1:00pm, online 
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair) 
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 21, 2020
4. (1:10) PROFS update
5. (no earlier than 1:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss grievance
6. (2:00) Steve Ackerman, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education, and 
Karl Scholz, Provost
7. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
8. (no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss grievance
9. Reconvene in open session 
10. Meeting Wrap Up
11. Adjourn

December 2020

 Agenda for December 21, 2020, 1:15 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:15 pm) Meeting commences
2. (1:15) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
3. (1:35) Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
4. (1:50) Announcements and updates
5. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 14
6. (no earlier than 1:52) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers; grievances
7. Reconvene in open session
8. Meeting Wrap Up
9. Adjourn

 Agenda for December 14, 2020, 1:30 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair) 
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences.  
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 7, 2020
4. (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
5. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
6. (no earlier than 2:20) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and grievances
7. Convene in open session
8. Meeting Wrap Up
9. Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for December 7, 2020, 1:00 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 30, 2020
4. Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor Discussion
5. (no earlier than 1:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss committee appointments
6. Reconvene in open session
7. (2:00) Steve Ackerman, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education
8. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
9. (no earlier than 2:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) (e) and (f) to discuss items of a competitive nature and committee appointments
10. Reconvene in open session
11. Meeting Wrap Up
12. Adjourn

November 2020

Agenda for November 30, 2020, 1:00, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences.  
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 23, 2020
4. (1:10) PROFS update 
5. (1:15) Beth Meyerand, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
6. (1:25) Faculty Senate Review
7. (1:45) Nasia Safdar, Tetyana Schneider, and Lindsey Stoddard Cameron, Committee on Diversity and Campus Climate (Annual Report)
8. (1:55) J. Michael Collins, Budget Committee (Annual Report)
9. (no earlier than 2:05) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers; committee appointments
10. Reconvene in open session 
11.  (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
12. Meeting Wrap Up
13. Adjourn

 Agenda for November 23, 2020, 1:00 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences.  
2. (no earlier than 1:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers
3. Reconvene in open session
4. Announcements and updates
5. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 16, 2020
6. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
7. (2:30) Mark Markel, Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine
8. (2:50) John Zumbrunnen, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning
9. Meeting Wrap Up
10. Adjourn

 Agenda for November 16, 2020, 1:00 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 9, 2020
4. (1:15) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
5. (1:35) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
6. (1:50) Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
7. (2:05) Lois Brooks, Chief Information Officer, and Tamara Walker, Director of User Services, Department of Information Technology (DoIT)
8. (no earlier than 2:25) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss grievances
9. Reconvene in open session
10. Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor (discussion)
11. Meeting Wrap Up
12. Adjourn

 Agenda for November 9, 2020, 1:30 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 2, 2020
4. (1:40) PROFS update
5. (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
6. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
7. (2:30) Pete Miller, Chair, Athletic Board
8. (2:50) Mark Walters, Chief Human Resources Officer, and Diane Blaskowski, Director of Talent Rewards, Office of Human Resources
9. (no earlier than 3:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers, grievance and committee appointments
10. Post Tenure Review (PTR) guidance regarding pandemics 
11. Meeting Wrap Up
12. Adjourn

 Agenda for November 2, 2020, 1:00 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. (no earlier than 1:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and grievance
3. Reconvene in open session
4. Announcements and updates
5. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 26, 2020
6. (1:30) Nick Tincher and Patrick Sheehan, Administrative Transformation Project
7. (2:00) Steve Ackerman, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education
8. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
9. (no earlier than 2:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e) to discuss issues of a competitive nature
10. Reconvene in open session 
11. Meeting wrap up
12. Adjourn
Faculty Senate at 3:30 pm

October 2020

 Agenda for October 26, 2020, 1:30 pm, online 
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair) 
  1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences 
  2. Announcements and updates 
  3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 12,  and 19, 2020 
  4. (1:35) Kevin Jacobson, Associated Students of Madison 
  5. (1:40) PROFS update 
  6. (1:45) Jordan Rosenblum, chair, University Lectures Committee 
  7. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost 
  8. (2:30) Faculty Senate agenda review  
  9. (no earlier than 2:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers 
  10. Reconvene in open session  
  11. (3:15) Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration 
  12. (no earlier than 3:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss a grievance 
  13. Reconvene in open session  
  14. Meeting wrap up 
  15. Adjourn
     University Committee Meeting Minutes 2020-10-26

 Agenda for October 19, 2020
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf
1. (1:50 pm) Meeting commences
2. (no earlier than 1:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) (e) and (f) to discuss waiver; committee appointments; and competitive issues
3. Reconvene in open session
4. Announcements and updates
5. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 12, 2020
6. (2:15) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
7. (no earlier than 2:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e) to discuss competitive issues
8. Reconvene in open session to adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2020-10-19

Agenda for October 12, 2020, 1:30 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences.  
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 5, 2020
4. (1:40) PROFS update
5. (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
6. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
7. (2:30) Pete Miller, Athletic Board Chair
8. (2:50) Remote Faculty Discussion
9. Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits
10. Meeting Wrap Up
11. (no earlier than 3:20) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) (e) and (f) to discuss issues with competitive implications and grievance
12. Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for October 5, 2020, 1:00 pm, online
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences.  
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of September 28, 2020
4. Dual Roles
5. (1:30) John Zumbrunnen, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning
6. (1:45) Beth Meyerand, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs
7. (2:00) Steve Ackerman, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education
8. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
9. Adjourn

September 2020

 Agenda for September 28, 2020, 1:30 pm
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meetings of September 25 and 28, 2020
4. Senate agenda review
5. (1:40) PROFS update
6. (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
7. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
8. (2:30) Lauren Hasselbacher, Title IX Coordinator
(no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel issues (the University Committee will move into a breakout room for closed session. Visitors can remain in the meeting.)
9. Reconvene in open session 
10. Meeting Wrap Up
11. Adjourn

 Agenda for September 25, 2020, 1:00 pm
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. UW-Madison reopening plans
3. Adjourn

 Agenda for September 21, 2020
1:00 pm
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of September 14, 2020
4. (1:15) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
5. (1:30) Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
6. (2:00) Grant Nelsestuen and Michelle Young, University Curriculum Committee (Annual Report)
7. (2:15) Jack McCulloch and Keith Findley, Labor Licensing Codes (Fair Trade Resolution)
8. (no earlier than 2:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e) to discuss university business with competitive implications.
9. Reconvene in open session 
10. Dual role discussion
11. Meeting wrap up
12. Adjourn

 Agenda for September 14, 2020
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates 
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of August 31, 2020
4. (1:40) ASM leadership introductions
5. (1:45) John Zumbrunnen, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning
6. (2:00) Discussion of dual roles
7. (2:15) Beth Meyerand, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs
8. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
9. Adjourn

August 2020

 Agenda for August 31, 2020
12:45 PROFS Board of Directors Meeting 
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of August 24, 2020
4. (1:15) Cheryl Gittens, Interim Chief Diversity Officer
5. (1:45) Eric Wilcots, Dean, College of Letters and Science
6. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
7. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
8. (no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and grievance
9. Reconvene in open session
10. September Senate Meeting
11. Meeting Wrap Up
12. Adjourn

 Agenda for August 24, 2020
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences.  
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of August 10, 2020
4. (1:10) PROFS update
5. (1:15) Kristen Roman, UW Chief of Police
6. (1:35) Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits - discuss proposed structural changes
7. Faculty Policies & Procedures proposed changes – approval mechanism for academic staff serving as graduate faculty post retirement or resignation
8. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
9. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
10. (no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and grievances
11. Reconvene in open session
12. Meeting wrap up 
13. Adjourn

 Agenda for August 10, 2020
UC members expected present: Halverson, Sandgren, Masters, Papp, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1. (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meetings of July 27, and August 3, 2020
4. (1:15) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
5. (1:30) Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
6. (2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
7. (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
8. (no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss grievance, committee appointment, and rule waiver
9. Reconvene in open session
10. Meeting Wrap Up
11. Adjourn

 Agenda for August 3, 2020
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1.    (1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2.    (1:00) Mark Walters, Chief Human Resources Officer
3.    (1:30) Smart Restart communication discussion
4.    Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2020-08-03  

July 2020

 Agenda for July 27, 2020
UC members expected present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1.(1:00 pm) Meeting commences
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of July 13, 2020
4.(1:10) PROFS update
5.(1:15) Pete Miller, Chair, Athletic Board
6.(1:40) Eric Raimy, Faculty Representative to UW System
7.(2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
8.(2:30) Steve Cramer, outgoing Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, and incoming Vice Provost for Instructional Continuity and Academic Affairs 
9.(no earlier than 3:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel waivers; appeal
10.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for July 13, 2020
UC members expected present: Halverson, Sandgren, Masters, Papp, Tracy, Wolf (chair)
1.(1:00 pm) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of June 22, 2020
4.(1:10) PROFS update
5.(1:15) Kristen Roman, Chief of UW Police
6.(1:30) Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
7.(2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
8.(2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
9.(no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss committee appointments. Grievance, and role waivers
10.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

June 2020

 Agenda for June 22, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Masters, Papp, Wolf (chair)
1.    (1:00 pm) Meeting commences.
2.    Announcements and updates
3.    Consent item: Approve minutes of the meetings of June 1 and 8, 2020
4.    (1:15) Jocelyn Milner, Director, and Allison La Tarte, Associate Director, Academic Planning and Institutional Research (Faculty and Researcher Profiles)
5.    (1:30) Steve Ackerman, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education
6.    (2:00) Finalize committee appointments for UC members
7.    UC operating procedures
8.    Senate motion/resolution cover page
9.     (2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
10.    (3:00) Karl Scholz, Provost, and Steve Cramer, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning
11.     (no earlier than 3:25) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss committee appointment, tenure clock extension
12.    Reconvene in open session to adjourn

Agenda for June 8, 2020
3:30 pm
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Wolf (chair)
1.(3:30 pm) Meeting commences.  
2.UW System Presidential Finalist Visit
3. (no earlier than 4:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e) to discuss university business matters with competitive implications
4.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for June 1, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren, Wolf (chair)
(12:45 PROFS Board of Directors Meeting)
1.(1:15 pm) Meeting commences
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 18, 2020
4.Committee appointments for UC members
5.UC operating procedures
6.(1:40) Casey Nagy, Interim Vice Provost for Extension and Public Media (International Student and Faculty Services Project update)
7.(2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
8.(2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
9.(no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss role waivers; committee appointments
10.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

University Committee reports uc list Student affairs 
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Jenny S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty