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Faculty Senate Agendas and Minutes for Academic Year 2020-2021

2020-2021 academic year, July 2020-June 2021, is shown. Meetings minutes are linked from each agenda.

May 3, 2021

May 3, 2021, 3:30 pm
1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emerita Chère Gibson (Fac doc 2948)
Professor Emeritus Earl Shrago (Fac doc 2949)
Professor Emeritus John Suttie (Fac doc 2950) 
2. Announcements/Information Items
3. Diversity Update
4. Question Period
5. Minutes of April 5 meeting (consent)
6. Kemper Knapp Committee Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 2951)
7. Committee on University Recruitment, Admissions and Financial Aid Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 2952)
8. Campus Transportation Committee Annual Report for 2019-2020 (Fac doc 2953)
9. Faculty Committees General Election Spring 2021 Results. (Fac doc 2954)
Old Business 
10. Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor (Addition of Faculty Policies and Procedures 7.16) (vote) (Fac doc 2879 Rev 2)
11. Revision of Fac doc  1071 (UW-Madison Faculty Policy on Access and Accommodation in Instruction) (vote) (Fac doc 1071 Rev)
12. Policy on Election day class absences (vote) (Fac doc 2948)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2021-05-03

April 5, 2021

April 5, 2021, 3:30 pm
1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus John Fett (read by Bret Shaw) (Fac doc 2936)
Professor Emeritus J. Rogers Hollingsworth (read by Chad Goldberg) (Fac doc 2937)
Professor Emeritus Howard Weinbrot (Fac doc 2938) 
2. Announcements/Information Items
3. Hilldale Awards:
Biological Sciences Division: Michael Fiore, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine and Public Health
Physical Sciences Division: Robert Mathieu, Department of Astronomy, College of Letters & Science
Arts & Humanities Division: Sabine Gross, Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic , College of Letters & Science
Social Sciences Division: Susan Ellis Weismer, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Letters & Science
4. State of Research Enterprise
5. Question Period
6. Minutes of March 1 meeting (consent).
7. University Research Council Annual Report for 2019-2020 (Fac doc 2939)
8. Archives Committee Annual Report for 2019-2020 (Fac doc 2940)
9. Library Committee Annual Report for 2019-2020 (Fac doc 2941)
10. Committee on Disability Access and Inclusion Annual Report for 2019-2020
New Business
11. Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6: Amending FPP 6.59 (University Research Council) (vote) (Fac doc XXXX) 
12. Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6: Amending FPP 6.46 (Library Committee) (vote) (Fac doc XXXX) 
13. Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6: Removing FPP 6.24 (Archives Committee) (vote) (Fac doc XXXX) 
14. Proposal to Rescind Faculty Legislation II-500, Archives Policy (vote) (Fac doc XXXX)
15. Resolution on an accessible and inclusive campus (vote) (Fac doc XXXX)
16. Revision of Faculty Document 1071 (UW-Madison Faculty Policy on Access and Accommodation in Instruction) (first reading) (Fac doc XXXX)
17. Policy on Election day class absences (first reading) (Fac doc XXXX)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2021-04-05

March 1, 2021

March 1, 2021, 3:30 pm
1. Announcements/Information Items
2. Update on the Budget
3. Question period
4. Minutes of the February 1, 2021 meeting (consent)

5. Committee for LGBTQ People in the University Annual Report for 2019-2020 (Fac doc 2931)
6. Report from the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty on Apportionment of the UW-Madison Faculty Senate (Fac doc 2932)

Old Business
7. Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor (Addition of Faculty Policies and Procedures 7.16) (vote) (Fac doc 2879 Rev 2)
8. Climate Divestment and Procurement Resolution (vote) (Fac doc 2928 Rev)

New Business
9. Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6: Amending FPP 6.40 (Committee for GLBTQ People in the University) (vote) (Fac doc 2933) 
10. Proposal to Rescind Faculty Legislation II-307, Statement on Consensual Relationships/Reporting Policy (vote) (Fac doc 2934)
11. Proposal to Rescind Faculty Legislation II-302, Nondiscrimination Policy of the Athletic Board (vote) (Fac doc 2934)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2021-03-01

February 1, 2021

 February 1, 2021, 3:30 pm
1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emerita Emily Bentley Campbell (Faculty document 2922)
Professor Emerita Helen Marsh (Faculty document 2923)
Professor Emeritus Ken Kunen (Faculty document 2924 )
2. Announcements/Information Items
3. Question Period
4. Minutes of December 7, 2020 meeting (consent)
5. Update on Sustainability Initiatives
6. Committee on Women in the University Annual Report for 2019-2020 (Faculty document 2925)
7. PROFS, inc. Annual Report for 2019-2020 (Faculty document 2926)
Old Business
8. Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor (Addition of Faculty Policies and Procedures 7.16) (Faculty document 2879 Rev 2) (first reading
9. Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6: Amending FPP 6.25.B (Budget Committee) and FPP 6.54.B (University Committee), and Removing FPP 6.34 Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits (Faculty document 2907 Rev) (vote

New Business
10. Candidates for the Faculty-elected Committees, Spring 2021 (Faculty document 2927)
11. Climate Divestment and Procurement Resolution (Faculty document 2928) (first reading)
12. Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6: Amending FPP 6.56 (Committee on Women in the University) (Faculty document 2929) (vote)
13. Proposal to Rescind Faculty Legislation II-701, Student Housing Policies and Regulations (Faculty document 2930) (vote)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2021-02-01

December 7, 2020

 December 7, 2020, 3:30 pm
1.Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Robert H. Deibel (Faculty Document 2912)
Professor Emeritus Herman Goldstein (Faculty Document 2913)
Professor Emeritus Thomas M. Julian (Faculty Document 2914) 
Professor Emeritus Frederick O. Leidel (Faculty Document 2915)
Professor Emeritus Harland Samson (Faculty Document 2916)
2.Announcements/Information Items
3.Update on the Student Experience
4.Update on the Graduate Student Experience 
5.Question Period
6.Minutes of November 2 meeting (consent)
7.Campus Diversity & Climate Committee (Faculty Policies & Procedures 6.27.) Annual Report for 2019-2020 (Faculty Document 2917)
8.Athletic Board Annual Report for 2019-2020 (Faculty Document 2918)
9.Budget Committee Annual Report for 2018-2020 (Faculty Document 2919)
New Business
10.Request to Discontinue Department of Comparative Literature and Folklore Studies (Faculty Document 2920)
11.Motion to Change Gender Pronouns in Faculty Policies and Procedures and Faculty Legislation (vote) (Faculty Document 2921)
12.Executive Session of the Faculty Senate to Receive the Confidential Report of the Committee on Honorary Degrees (vote)
Section 19.85(1)(c). Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance data of any public employee over whom the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility (Example: Consideration by a departmental executive committee of job applicants, performance reviews, teaching evaluations or merit increases)

November 2, 2020

November 2, 2020, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Klaus L. Berghahn (Faculty Document 2908)
Professor Emeritus Peter Lipton (Faculty Document 2909) 
2. Announcements/Information Items
3. Question period
4. Minutes of October 5 meeting (consent)
5. Lectures Committee Annual Report for 2019-2020 (Faculty Document 2910)
Old Business
6. Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 3 (3.05H. Mechanism for academic staff to maintain graduate faculty status following retirement or resignation) (Faculty document 2906) (vote)
7. Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 (6.34. Removing Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits) (Faculty Document 2907) (vote)
New Business
8. Resolution in Support of Instruction and Training on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice (Faculty document 2911) (vote)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2020-11-02

October 5, 2020

October 5, 2020, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus James O. Bailey (Faculty Document 2896)
Professor Emeritus Harlan Marquess (Faculty Document 2897)
Professor Emeritus Akira Miura (Faculty Document 2898)
Professor Emeritus Glen E. Myers (Faculty Document 2899)
Professor Emeritus William Vogelsang (Faculty Document 2900)
Professor Emeritus William Weidanz (Faculty Document 2901)
2. Announcements/Information Items
3. State of the University
4. Question period
5. Minutes of May 4 and Sept 14 meeting. (consent)
6. University Curriculum Committee Annual Report for 2019-2020. (Faculty Document 2902)
7. University Academic Planning Council Annual Report for 2019-2020. (Faculty Document 2903)
8. University Committee Annual Report for 2019-2020. (Faculty Document 2904)
New Business
9.Resolution supporting UW-Madison's Efforts to become a Fair Trade Certified University (Faculty document 2905) (for vote) 
10.Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 3 (3.05H. Mechanism for academic staff to maintain graduate faculty status following retirement or resignation) (Faculty document 2906) (1st
11.Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 (6.34. Removing Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits) (Faculty Document 2907) (1st reading)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2020-10-05

September 14, 2020

September 14, 2020, 3:30 pm (Special Meeting)

1. Announcements/Information Items

2. Question period on Smart Restart (Joint Session with the Academic Staff Assembly)

3. Recess (2-3 minutes)

New Business
4. Academic calendar adjustment for spring semester 2021 (Faculty Document 2895) (for vote)

Faculty Senate, Agenda, Minutes, 2020, 2021 
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