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Faculty Senate Minutes 2010-02-02

shared governance document
February 2, 2010
As approved March 

The meeting was called to order by Provost Paul DeLuca at 3:33 p.m. with 161 voting members present.

1. Memorial resolutions were presented for:
Professor Emeritus Converse H. Blanchard faculty document 2170
Professor Emeritus Ronald L. Giese faculty document 2171
Professor Emeritus Arthur S. Goldberger faculty document 2172
Professor Emeritus Niels Ingwersen faculty document 2173
Professor Emeritus Duard Lee Walker faculty document 2174
2. Announcements/Informational Items.
Professor William Tracy updated the senate on the work of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Athletic Board and on the work of the Ad Hoc Committee to Determine the Needs and Structure of UW-Madison’s Research Enterprise. Professor Tracy also announced that the University Committee is working with the administration on issues of graduate student funding and finding ways to maintain the university’s competitiveness in that area. Professor Tracy asked the senate to grant permission for Mr. Jonah Zinn from ASM to speak briefly about the cost of textbooks.
There were no objections.
3. Question Period.
There were no questions.
4. The minutes of December 7, 2009 were approved as distributed.
5. Provost DeLuca submitted for informational purposes the Campus Planning Committee Annual Report for 2008-2009. faculty document 2175.pdf
There were no questions.
6. Professor James Blanchard, member of the Committee on Committees, presented the slates slates of candidates for faculty-elected committees from the Committee on Committees. faculty document 2176.pdf
The slates of nominees are: 
Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits
Chess Adams, Surgical Sciences (VET), biological sciences
William Boissonnault, Orthopedics and Rehabilitation (SMPH), biological sciences
Richard Keller, Medical History and Bioethics (SMPH), arts and humanities
Alan Lockwood, Curriculum and Instruction (EDUC), social studies
Ann MacGuidwin, Plant Pathology (CALS), biological sciences
Patrick Rumble, French and Italian (L&S), arts and humanities
Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
Dominique Brossard, Life Sciences Communication (CALS), social studies
Thomas Cravens, French and Italian (L&S), arts and humanities
Gary Green, Community and Environmental Sociology (CALS), social studies
Mary Layoun, Comparative Literature (L&S), arts and humanities
Thatcher Root, Chemical and Biological Engineering (ENGR), physical sciences
John Karl Scholz, Economics (L&S), social studies
Library Committee
Rao Adibhatla, Neurological Surgery (SMPH), biological sciences
A. Baha Balantekin, Physics (L&S), physical sciences
Eileen Cullen, Entomology (CALS), biological sciences
James Davis, Engineering Professional Development (ENGR), physical sciences
University Committee
Ann Palmenberg, Biochemistry (CALS), biological sciences
Joseph Salmons, German (L&S), arts and humanities
Patrick Turski, Radiology (SMPH), biological sciences 
Margarita Zamora, Spanish and Portuguese (L&S), arts and humanities 
There were no nominations from the floor. 
7. Associate Professor Thomas Armbrecht submitted for informational purposes the Report of the Committee on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Issues. faculty document 2177.pdf
There were no questions. 
8. Professor David Nelson submitted for informational purposes the Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee Annual Report for 2008-2009. faculty document 2178.pdf 
There were no questions. 
9. Professor Tracy moved to adopt the Faculty Senate Districts and Apportionment for Academic Years 2010-11 and 2011-12. faculty document 2179.pdf 
The motion passed by hand vote. 
10. Professor Robert Joynt (District 67) moved to adopt the Resolution from the Department of Physics Regarding Furloughs of Non-State-Funded Employees. faculty document 2180.pdf
The motion was seconded. 
Professor Tracy move to amend the resolution on behalf of the University Committee as follows:
In the background section, add: “(4) Furloughing non-state-funded employees does not save the state any money.” and renumber the last two background items as 5 and 6. 
In the resolution section add the highlighted language: WHEREAS furloughs of gift-funded and federally funded university employees do not save the state any money and exacerbate the state budget problems through a reduction in state income tax revenue; and 
WHEREAS furloughs of gift-funded and federally funded university employees unnecessarily harm the university’s teaching, research and service missions and damage the university’s reputation;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate strongly supports the Smart Furlough Bill (Assembly Bill 551) currently pending in the Wisconsin legislature.
There was one question. 
The motion to amend passed by hand vote. 
There was one question. 
The amended motion passed by hand vote. 
 The meeting adjourned at 4:16 p.m. 
David Musolf
Secretary of the Faculty

"faculty legislation" "Faculty Policies and Procedures" "February 1, 2010" 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty