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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2015-05-04
approved May 11, 2015
May 4, 2015
Present: Broman, Edwards, Fair (chair), Meyerand, Petty, Wendt
1. Meeting called to order: 1:00 PM.
2. Minutes of the meeting of April 27, 2015, approved.
3. Petty summarized the most recent System faculty reps meeting. Ample discussion at that meeting about how budget cuts are being handled on various campuses. Fac reps group will substantially turn over next year. Issue of fund balances (“reserves”) still being hotly discussed, especially their sharp increase and current size (approximately $700M).
4. Petty moved, Meyerand 2nd to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Motion passed: 1:11 PM.
5. The UC considered and unanimously approved a tenure clock extension.
6. Committee assignments
a. The UC nominated faculty members to fill vacancies on the Health Care Advisory Committee and the Committee on Access and Accommodation in Instruction. The Secretary of the Faculty will contact the nominees.
b. The UC reviewed and discussed applications and nominations to the Athletic Board. Two nominees were selected to recommend to the chancellor for appointment.
7. Broman moved and Petty 2nd to reconvene in open session. Motion passed: 1:30 PM.
8. Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick, Jan Greenberg)
a. Mailick and Greenberg reviewed history of the formation of the URC and the selection of names to the inaugural group, as well as the process to be followed moving forward. Consensus that a proper historical record was important, which should reflect tensions between the working group document and faculty document 2500, efforts to ensure broad representation on the URC, and commitment to including shared governance bodies in process of making URC into a governance body. URC will have both advisory and governance roles, parallel to UAPC and GFEC, with similarities to college/school APCs. Advisory role is seen as paramount.
b. Discussion about pros and cons of placing the URC in FPP chapter 3 vs chapter 6, electing vs appointing URC members, possible hybrid committee structures, importance of transparency and accountability, and role of Faculty Senate, UC, and divisional committees. Current URC will work with UC/Senate/ASEC over next year and gather broad campus feedback.
c. Ample discussion.
d. UC raised issues of timing and visibility of associate VC searches.
9. Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
a. Mangelsdorf suggested that proposed new wording on search and screen committees in chapter 6 could be interpreted as overly narrow and should explicitly include associate vice chancellors.
b. Mangelsdorf feels that dean of the Graduate School should remain on UAPC in order to avoid slowing down committee business. UC explained that all graduate-related items already go through GFEC. Suggestion that “or delegate” might resolve issue.
c. Discussion of library consolidation. Perception that process has been secretive while reality is that working group is solely for gathering information and making recommendations based on that data. Shared governance and affected parties will be amply included in decision making process: working group will report to Library Committee, Faculty Senate, and other shared governance bodies. Working group will not make policy. There will be opportunities for public discussion and input.
d. Brief discussion of academic calendar.
10. 2:14 PM: Edwards left to grill a doctoral candidate.
11. Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
a. It is award season.
b. WARF meeting later in the week; Blank expects approval of higher request.
c. Blank met with and was impressed by new ASM leadership.
d. We don’t know anything new about the budget.
e. Blank will receive Daniel Patrick Moynihan award and speak at National Press Club.
f. Brief discussion of ongoing FPP chapter 6 revisions. Blank envisions URC as parallel to UAPC. Research office should use URC the way the provost uses the UAPC.
g. Brief discussion of messaging on budget cuts, which needs better coordination especially to students.
12. The UC continued discussion of election vs appointment to committees. Important to include input of all stakeholders in research enterprise. Worth exploring other models that promote transparency.
13. Brief discussion of June Board of Regents meeting. Broman will attend for Madison.
14. Meeting adjourned: 3:00 PM.