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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2016-05-23

Minutes passed June 6, 2016

Minutes for May 23, 2016

UC members present: Broman, Edwards, Meyerand (chair), Litovsky, Wanner, Wendt, Bowers
Others present: S. Smith, J. Richard, M. Moscicke, O. Arain, M. Coker, J. Smith, M. Felber, H. Daniels

Chair Beth Meyerand called meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Continuing UC members presented Edwards and Meyerand with a token of their appreciation and their deepest gratitude for their service. Secretary of the Faculty Steve Smith polled the UC members for their availability for high-level search finalist visits. The minutes of the meeting of May 16, 2016, were approved. Michelle Felber informed the UC of summer PROFS meetings and upcoming disruptions due to construction near the PROFS office. Meyerand informed the UC of her exchanges with the VCRGE, VCFA, and OHR about new FLSA overtime rules. Details are still being worked out and more information will be forthcoming. Discussion.

Chief Diversity Officer Patrick Sims summarized activity on Division’s institutional statement: fine tuning and gathering feedback; final document will go to governance groups for endorsement. Major summer activities center around organizational structure: (1) bringing First Wave into alignment with faculty roles, administrative purviews, clarifying spaces; (2) external review of People program completed, being prepped for dissemination; not sustainable for program to be everything to everyone; asking hard questions about how to truncate some services to yield experience that is more thoughtful with stronger results; largest People cohort admitted this fall: 104 students, nearly double just two years ago; (3) OED internal review complete, identified need to better inform campus what OED does, be more proactive on educational outreach, “carve out lanes” (and resources); (4) administrative overview for Division, another area where there is need to clearly carve out who is doing what and why. Ample discussion, particularly about crisis management, related expertise and resources. Sims concluded that summer plan is ambitious, looking for connections to faculty and staff. Diversity Forum: November 1.

Tom Broman moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 1:44 p.m. Litovsky presented and moved approval of a tenure clock extension. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. The UC and administration representatives discussed a grievance and possible options. Litovsky moved to reconvene in open session. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously at 2:13 p.m.

Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf informed UC that dark chocolate eaters win more awards than milk chocolate eaters and that Vice Provost Bernard-Donals is assembling members for task force on parental leave. Mangelsdorf would like nominations to serve on a gender-neutral issues committee that may also address accessibility and facilities, possibly including spaces for worship. Discussion. Both provost and chancellor suggested repackaging academic calendar proposals to be more relevant to faculty.

Chancellor Rebecca Blank provided an update on VCFA search and finalist visits. Blank is going to Eau Claire for a series of meetings, wants to meet with all the regents over the summer, and is hosting Vilas Trust at Olin House. Blank distributed a handout on changes to the organizational placement of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP). Recommendation to move RSP back to OVCRGE with “dotted line” to VCFA. Discussion; consensus that this is a good idea. Wisconsin Energy Institute also in the wrong place (provost’s office rather than OVCRGE with other centers). Current director retiring and main grant up for renewal this fall; good time to review/adapt organizationally. Discussion; consensus that this change fine, even welcome. Chancellor’s time concluded with discussion about state relations.

Meyerand adjourned her final University Committee meeting at 2:45 p.m.

KeywordsUniversity committee   Doc ID65137
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2016-07-14 16:31:32Updated2022-10-27 15:21:49
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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