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Faculty Senate Minutes 2019-04-01

Minutes approved May 6, 2019


01 April 2019 




Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. with 146 voting members present (110 needed for quorum). Memorial resolutions were offered for Professor Emeritus Laurens Anderson (Faculty Document 2813), Professor Emeritus Phil Lewis (Faculty Document 2814), Professor Emeritus Bruce Murray (Faculty Document 2815), Professor Emeritus Ved Prakash (Faculty Document 2816), Professor Emerita Hanna Sobkowicz (Faculty Document 2817), and Professor Stefan Westerhoff (Faculty Document 2818). 

Chancellor Blank reported that UW-Madison is first among large schools producing Peace Corps volunteers for the third year in a row, that three of our faculty have been named Simons Fellows in Mathematics this year, and that the women’s hockey team won its fifth national championship. She also addressed the recent national admissions scandal, reporting that we do not have any part in it. Blank stressed that all of our students go through the same admission process and every student on this campus is here because of their record of accomplishment and promise. She also provided updates on the state budget process and various administrative searches before announcing the opening of annual faculty elections to committees and then departing for the airport, handing the chair over to Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf.

The Faculty Senate Minutes 2019-03-04 were approved. 

Professor Sabine Gross (German, Nordic & Slavic) presented the annual report for the University Library Committee (Faculty Document 2798). Professor Teresa Adams (Civil & Environmental Engineering) presented the annual report for the Campus Transportation Committee (Faculty Document 2819). Professor Rick Amasino (University Committee, District 120, Biochemistry) presented information on Senate apportionment relating to faculty transferring to UW-Madison from UW-Extension (Faculty Document 2820). There were no questions or comments on any of these presentations. 

Assistant Professor Jenna Loyd (District 57, Geography) moved adoption of Faculty Document 2812, a resolution calling for transparency around TIAA investments. There was no discussion and the motion passed by voice vote. 

Professor Amasino moved adoption of Faculty Document 2776, a resolution to approve the use of the word “professor” in a new academic staff title series of Teaching Professor. Over two dozen comments on both sides of the issue were made. Prof. Mark Edsel (District 11, Food Science) moved to postpone indefinitely. The motion was seconded. Several people spoke to the motion to postpone, which failed by a hand count of 27 in favor, 103 against. Six more people spoke to the original motion and then Prof. Jeff Linderoth (Industrial & Systems Engineering) moved the previous question. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously by voice vote. The original motion to approve Faculty Document 2776 passed by a hand count of 95 in favor, 33 against.

Professor Amasino moved adoption of Faculty Document 2777, a resolution to approve the use of the word “professor” in a new academic staff title series of Research Professor. Without objection, the text of this resolution was modified as follows:

  •  Pursues Secures intramural and extramural funding through grants as PI to support salary for themselves and others working under their direction and to support other aspects of their independent research program;

  • Has established, based on extramural funding and/or documented intramural mechanism(s), the financial independence resources necessary to maintain for a research program including salary (Associate Research Professor and Research Professor only);

Following brief additional discussion, the resolution passed as amended by voice vote. A show of hands revealed that quorum was still present. 

Professor Amasino moved adoption of Faculty Document 2821, a resolution to approve the use of the word “professor” in a new academic staff title of Professor of Practice. Following one comment in favor and one with misgivings, Professor Doug Reindl (District 42, Engineering Professional Development) moved to amend the resolution to approve three levels of this title (Assistant Professor of Practice, Associate Professor of Practice, and Professor of Practice). The motion was seconded and passed by voice vote. Additional discussion pointed to a possible conflict created by having multiple title levels for a position defined as short term. 

Professor Reindl moved to amend the document to remove reference to the short-term nature of the position. This amendment was seconded but failed by voice vote. Associate Professor Betsy Stovall (District 63, Mathematics) moved to postpone this action to the next Senate meeting. The motion was seconded and passed by voice vote. 

Provost Mangelsdorf adjourned the meeting at 5:25 p.m. 

Steven K. Smith

Secretary of the Faculty

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