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Faculty Senate Minutes 2021-05-03

Minutes approved 10-04, 2021

Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the online meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. with 155 voting members present (113 needed for quorum.) Memorial resolutions were offered for Professor Emerita Chère Gibson (Faculty Document 2948), Professor Emeritus Earl Shrago (Faculty Document 2949), and Professor Emeritus John Suttie (Faculty Document 2950)

Chancellor Rebecca Blank reflected on the difficulties of the last academic year. On a brighter note, the campus COVID-19 infection rate was successfully controlled in spring semester. Fully vaccinated employees and students are exempt from campus testing requirements. UHS is collecting information on vaccinations for those who were vaccinated off campus.

Looking ahead to COVID-19 measures, effective Monday, May 10, access to campus buildings and facilities will no longer be limited to those with a green Badger Badge. However, employees and students are expected to maintain a green status, and units and classes may require it. Watch for frequent updates on safety measures for fall.

Faculty salaries for full professors in a 12-member peer group rose from last place to 5th place; associate and assistant professors also moved up in the rankings. This is thanks to UW-Madison funding (especially in fall 2019) and consistent state pay plans.

University Committee Chair Kirsten Wolf reminded everyone that the 1st day of fall 2021 instruction is on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah. Faculty are strongly encouraged to offer alternatives for students if they are unable to attend class on that day. The new biweekly payroll cycle will begin in July. Faculty should check how this will affect their monthly income and visit the single payroll website for more information.

Interim Chief Diversity Officer Cheryl Gittens reported that 32 new faculty have been hired on the TOP program as of this spring. Her office has held over 70 affinity group gatherings for faculty and staff this year. The Raimey-Noland campaign has been launched to raise money to support DEI initiatives. A campus-wide committee sponsored by both Cheryl Gittens and Beth Meyerand, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff, will coordinate efforts to build diversity, equity, and inclusion learning activities for faculty and staff.

There were several questions about the new Conflict of Commitment policy, see the FAQ and quick summary.

The minutes of the April 4, 2021 meeting were approved by consent. Professor Paola Hernandez (Spanish & Portuguese) presented the Kemper Knapp Committee annual report (Faculty Document 2951), Professor Dante Fratta (Civil & Environmental Engineering) presented the Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions and Financial Aid annual report (Faculty Document 2952), Professor Carey McAndrews (Planning & Landscape Architecture) presented the Campus Transportation Committee annual report (Faculty Document 2953) and UC Chair Kirsten Wolf presented the elections report (Faculty Document 2954). There were no questions on these reports.

The Faculty Senate continued discussion on the item Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor (Addition of Faculty Policies and Procedures 7.16) (Faculty Document 2879 Rev 2) that was deferred from the March Faculty Senate meeting. The new section was approved with one amendment.

University Committee member Eric Sandgren moved approval of a revision of Faculty Document 1971, which covers accommodations for students with disabilities (Faculty Document 1071 Rev). The revision was approved.

University Committee chair Kirsten Wolf presented moved approval of a new policy on Election Day class absences (Faculty Document 2947). The policy was approved with one amendment.

The meeting adjourned at 4:54 pm.

Heather Daniels

Secretary of the Faculty


Keywordsshared governance document   Doc ID114132
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2021-10-06 11:53:51Updated2024-06-14 09:33:10
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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