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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2021-10-11
University Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes approved 10/18/2021Minutes for October 11, 2021
members present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren (chair), Tejedo-Herrero,
Others present besides those listed below: Greg Bump, Lesley Fisher, Jane Richard
Chair Sandgren called the meeting to order at 1:30.
The minutes of the meeting of October 4, 2021 was approved by consent.
The University Committee asked Secretary Daniels to draft a resolution regarding the critical race theory (CRT) bill in the Wisconsin State Legislature for November Faculty Senate.
Michelle Felber and Jack O’Meara from PROFS reported that PROFS entered a position against the CRT bills, including those aimed at K-12 education.
Susan Lederer and Pete Miller, co-chairs of the Athletic Board, reported that the board at UW-Madison is very active compared to other universities. This year athletes can monetize their name, image and likeness. UW-Madison has contracted with a third-party vendor, Opendorse, which is free for students to use. The board will monitor what happens with this.
The Alston vs NCAA case was decided this summer by the United States Supreme Court, which upheld an appeals court ruling that the NCAA cannot bar institutions from paying student athletes above the cost of attendance. The NCAA is having a constitutional convention with results released in early December. The Big Ten conference is watching this closely.
Student athletes are mirroring the general student population as far as vaccination rates and mental health services needed following the return to campus.
Anja Wanner, chair of the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (CFRR), presented the CFRR combined report for the last five years. The CFRR is involved in appeals for non-renewals, discipline and dismissal. CFRR dealt with four cases last year. They will hear appeals regarding promotion from associate professor to professor.
Sandgren moved to convene in closed session; it was seconded and approved at 2:26.
Sandgren moved to reconvene in open session; it was seconded and approved at 3:45.
Chair Sandgren adjourned the meeting at 3:51.