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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2022-03-28

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 04/04/2022

UC members present: Babcock, Sandgren (chair), Papp, Tejedo-Herrero, Thibeault

Others: Greg Bump, Lesley Fisher, Jane Richard


Sandgren call the meeting to order at 1:00.


Secretary Daniels reported that the all Divisional Committee meeting was held on Friday. There was a lot of discussion around tenure clocks for assistant professors with previous tenure positions and arm’s length letters.


The minutes of the meeting of March 21, 2022 were approved by consent.


Michael Bernard-Donals, Michelle Felber, and Jack O’Meara from PROFS shared the annual report. PROFS has a new pamphlet that was sent to all faculty members. Bills signed by the governor include expanding revenue investments, class start date for health science professional students, and planning for the new engineering building. PROFS is also working to schedule a meeting with the new UW System President Jay Rothman.


Amber Epp, chair of the Advisory Committee to the Office of the Dean of Students and Christina Olstad, Dean of Students, presented the committee’s annual report. The committee provides advice on student life and the student experience. Both the administration and the committee members add items to the agenda. They spent the majority of their time this last year discussion covid, mental health and campus climate. Other items the committee provided advice on were the amnesty through responsible action program, which allows students to call for medical attention for their peers without being found to violate UW System policy for misconduct, and expanding Badger Fare program, which provides $75 immediately to student experience hunger.


Sandgren moved to convene in closed session; it was seconded and approved at 2:11.

Sandgren moved to reconvene in open session; it was seconded and approved at 2:37.

Provost Karl Scholz announced that a transfer agreement had been reached with Madison College for the online undergraduate degree completion program in business. In addition all four deans under review this year, Deans Markel, Shim, Robbins and Golden, have agreed to continue serving. The University Committee mentioned their concerns about comments solicited from faculty, staff and students during dean reviews this year requiring a name for submission.


The University Committee reviewed the Faculty Senate agenda.


Sandgren moved to convene in closed session; it was seconded and approved at 2:51. One dual-role waiver was approved.

Sandgren moved to reconvene in open session; it was seconded and approved at 3:06.

Sandgren adjourned the meeting at 3:12.

KeywordsUniversity committee   Doc ID117787
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2022-04-06 10:02:00Updated2023-06-14 13:09:47
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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