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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2022-10-10
Minutes for October 10, 2022
members present: Babcock, Bernard-Donals, Li, Papp (chair), Tejedo-Herrero,
Others: Greg Bump, Jack O’Meara, Julie Scharm
Papp called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm.
Member Michael Bernard-Donals and Secretary of the Faculty Heather Daniels will
be members of a Hostile and Intimidating Behavior working group.
minutes for the meeting of October 3, 2022, were approved with changes.
UC reviewed suggested changes to proposed FPP changes from the Faculty Senate
meeting in October. They agreed by a vote of 5-1 to change the emerit language
to “typically disqualifies.” In response to a suggestion to add language that
would allow executive committee members to revoke rights of academic staff and
university to annual preference balloting for department chair and voting in
departmental meetings, they discussed changing the delegation length to
annually from three years.
UC agreed that postdocs can be hired to perform both teaching and research
duties although this will require two appointments.
UC discussed a request from a retired faculty member about whether the UC could
take up the issue of the removal of March’s name from the Memorial Union. The
decision regarding the removal was made by the Union Council, which is not
under the purview of faculty governance. They will direct the person to reach
out to the Union Council and the Office of the Chancellor.
Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, reported that the report from the
campus climate survey is being finalized with the goal of launching it at the
Diversity Forum in early November. A task force met this summer to compile the
results. The staff climate survey and WISELI survey were done this spring, and
they hope to roll the results out for all three surveys.
controversial speaker, Matt Walsh, is coming to campus on Oct 24 to show the
documentary, “What is a woman?” He has been invited by a student organization
and is a critic of LGBTQ and women’s studies. The Gender and Sexuality Campus
Center will be open all day and there will be a competing movie offered in the
evening as an activity.
weekend is this coming weekend with a number of events planned for Saturday.
Over 2400 families have indicated an interest in attending.
Papp adjourned the meeting at 2:12.