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Faculty Senate Agendas and Minutes for Academic Year 2018-2019

2018-2019 academic year, July 2018-June 2019, is shown. Meetings minutes are linked from each agenda.

May 6, 2019

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Allan Bringe (Faculty Document 2824)
Professor Emeritus Kemal H. Karpat (Faculty Document 2825)
Professor Emeritus William Stuart Sykes (Faculty Document 2826)

2. Presentation of the 2019 Hilldale Awards to:
Arts and Humanities Division: Professor Jin-Wen Yu, Department of Dance.
Biological Sciences Division: Professor Linda Schuler, Department of Comparative Biosciences.
Physical Sciences Division: Professor Ellen Zweibel, Department of Astronomy.
Social Sciences Division: Professor Patricia Devine, Department of Psychology.

3. Announcements/Information Items.
4. Question period.
5. Minutes of April 1 meeting. (consent)
6. Faculty Committees General Election Spring 2019 Results. (Faculty Document 2827)
7. Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Financial Aid (CURAFA) Combined Annual Reports for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. (Faculty Document 2828)
8. University Archives Committee Combined Annual Report for 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019. (Faculty Document 2829)
9. UW-Madison Division of Extension Academic Governance Structure. (Faculty Document 2830)
10. Incorporation of the Department of Labor Education into the Division of Continuing Studies. (Faculty Document 2831)
11. Approval of Possible Academic Staff Title: Professor of Practice. (Faculty Document 2821) (vote)
12. Proposal to update Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6.27.A.5. & A.6. (Campus Diversity and Climate Committee Membership). (Faculty Document 2822) (vote)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2019-05-06

April 1, 2019

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Laurens Anderson (Faculty Document 2813)
Professor Emeritus Phil Lewis (Faculty Document 2814)
Professor Emeritus Bruce Murray (Faculty Document 2815)
Professor Emeritus Ved Prakash (Faculty Document 2816)
Professor Emerita Hanna Sobkowicz (Faculty Document 2817)
Professor Stefan Westerhoff (Faculty Document 2818)

2. Announcements/Information Items.
3. Question period.
4. Minutes of March 4 meeting. (consent)
5. University Library Committee Annual Report for 2017-2018. (Faculty Document 2798)
6. Campus Transportation Committee Annual Report for 2017-2018. (Faculty Document 2819)
7. Special Apportionment to Integrate Extension Faculty into UW-Madison Faculty Senate. (Faculty Document 2820)
8. Resolution Calling on the TSA Review Committee of the University of Wisconsin System to Ask TIAA to Address Transparency Issues Related to Deforestation Risk and Rural Land Grabs. (Faculty
Document 2812) (vote)
9. Approval of Possible Academic Staff Title: Teaching Professor. (Faculty Document 2776) (vote)
10. Approval of Possible Academic Staff Title: Research Professor. (Faculty Document 2777) (vote)
11. Approval of Possible Academic Staff Title: Professor of Practice. (Faculty Document 2821) (vote)
12. Proposal to update Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6.27.A.5. & A.6. (Campus Diversity and Climate Committee Membership). (Faculty Document 2822) (first reading)
13. Revisions to Faculty Policies and Procedures to Clarify Language on Joint Appointments, (Faculty Document 2823) (first reading)

March 4, 2019

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Robert Dott (Faculty Document 2801)
Professor Emeritus Terry Howard (Faculty Document 2802)
Professor Emerita Susan Nitzke (Faculty Document 2803)
Professor Emeritus Johnny Pendleton (Faculty Document 2804) 
Professor Emeritus Dwayne A. Rohweder (Faculty Document 2805)
Professor Emeritus Richard R. Smith (Faculty Document 2806)

2. Announcements/Information Items.
Chief Diversity Officer's State of Diversity and Inclusion.
Diversity Liaison Project.

3. Question period. 
4. Minutes of February 4 meeting. (consent)
5. Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee Annual Report, 2018-2019. (Faculty Document 2807)
6. PROFS, Inc., Annual Report, July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. (Faculty Document 2808) 
7. Retirement Issues Committee Combined Annual Reports for 2013-2018. (Faculty Document 2809) 
8. Ombuds Office Annual Report for 2017-2018. (Faculty Document 2810)
9. Proposed Change to Faculty Policies and Procedures 9.06.C4. (Faculty Document 2811) (vote).
10. Professorial Academic Staff Titles (Faculty Documents 2776 and 2777 and additional materials)
11. Resolution Calling on the TSA Review Committee of the University of Wisconsin System to Ask TIAA to Address Transparency Issues Related to Deforestation Risk and Rural Land Grabs. (Faculty Document 2812) (first reading

Faculty Senate Minutes 2019-03-04

February 4, 2019

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Haskell Fain (Faculty Document 2789) 
Professor Emeritus Fred Dretske (Faculty Document 2790) 
Professor Emeritus Anthony Barresi (Faculty Document 2791) 
Professor Emeritus Roger Boom (Faculty Document 2792) 
Professor James Baughman (Faculty Document 2793) 
Professor Emeritus William Hachten (Faculty Document 2794) 

2. Announcements/Information Items.
3. Question period.
4. Minutes of December 3 meeting. (consent)
5. Academic Calendar for 2021-2026. (Faculty Document 2795) (consent)
6. Committee on Committees Annual Report for 2019: Nominees for Faculty-Elected Committees. (Faculty Document 2796)
7. Report of the Nominations for Election to the Committee on Committees. 
The following faculty members are nominated for election by the Faculty Senate to fill vacancies on the Committee on Committees in the divisions indicated below:
Arts & Humanities Division (1-year term)
    • April Haynes (History, District 60)
    • Robert Streiffer (Medical History & Bioethics, District 82)
Social Sciences Division (4-year term) 
    • Steph Tai (Law School, District 44)
    • Kimber Wilkerson (Rehabilitation Psychology & Special Education, District 26)
8.Athletic Board Annual report for 2017-2018 (Faculty Document 2797)
9.Budget Committee Combined Annual Report for 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 (Faculty Document 2798)
10.Information Technology Committee annual report (Faculty Document 2799)
11.Change in Information Technology Committee leadership structure (Faculty Document 2800). (vote)
12.Executive Session of the Faculty Senate to Receive the Confidential Report of the Committee on Honorary Degrees. (vote)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2019-02-04

December 3, 2018

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Peter Dorner (Faculty Document 2778)
Professor Emeritus Donald Field (Faculty Document 2779)
Professor Emeritus James Nordman (Faculty Document 2780)
Professor Emeritus Melvin Siedband (Faculty Document 2781)
Professor Emeritus Jeffrey Steele (Faculty Document 2782)

2. Announcements/Information Items. Titling and Total Compensation
Personnel Files and Reference Policies

3. Question Period.

4. Minutes of November 4 (consent).

5. Graduate Faculty Executive Committee Annual Report for 2017-2018 (Faculty Document 2784)

6. Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Annual Report for 2016-2018 (Faculty Document 2785)

7. Resolution of Support for Graduate Assistants (Faculty Document 2775) (vote)

8. Resolution to Approve Candidate Eligibility for Transitioning UW-Extension Faculty (Faculty Document 2787) (vote)

9. Resolution on UW System Draft Policy

Faculty Senate Minutes 2018-12-03

November 5, 2018

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Edward Buxton (Faculty Document 2765)
Professor Emeritus Bill Goodger (Faculty Document 2766) Professor Emeritus Archibald Orben Haller, Jr. (Faculty Document 2767)
Professor Emerita Marilyn McCubbin (Faculty Document 2768)
Professor Emeritus John R Marshall (Faculty Document 2769) Professor Emeritus Leonard Stein (Faculty Document 2770)

2. Announcements/Information Items.
State of the Research Enterprise.

3. Question Period.

4. Minutes of October 1. (consent)

5. University Academic Planning Council Annual Report for 2017-2018. (Faculty Document 2771)

6. University Lectures Committee Annual Report for 2017-2018. (Faculty Document 2772)

7. Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits Annual Report for 2017-2018. (Faculty Document 2773)

8. University Curriculum Committee Annual Report for 2017-2018. (Faculty Document 2774)

9. Endorsement of UW-Madison Policy on Consensual Relationships. (Faculty Document 2764) (vote)

10. Resolution to Transfer Tenure of University of Wisconsin-Extension Faculty to University of Wisconsin-Madison. (Faculty Document 2763) (vote)

11. Resolution of Support for Graduate Assistants. (Faculty Document 2775) (vote)

12. Resolution in Support of Professor Titles for Instructional Academic Staff. (Faculty Document 2776) (1st reading)

13. Resolution in Support of Research Professor Titles for Academic Staff. (Faculty Document 2777) (1st reading)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2018-11-05

October 1, 2018

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emerita Margo Melli (Faculty Document 2757)
Professor Emeritus John Moskwa (Faculty Document 2758) Professor Emeritus Fritz Mueller (Faculty Document 2759)
Professor Emeritus Wayne Otto (Faculty Document 2760)

2. Announcements/Information Items.
State of the University.

3. Question Period.

4. Minutes of May 7. (consent)

5. Highlights of Faculty Legislation 2017-2018. (Faculty Document 2761)

6. Faculty Committees General Election Spring 2018 Results. (Faculty Document 2762)

7. Confirmation of committee appointment: Associate Professor Kurt Paulsen (Planning and Landscape Architecture) to serve on the Campus Planning Committee for a 4-year term to represent

environmental concerns (vote)

8. Resolution on Extension faculty tenure. (Faculty Document 2763) (first reading)

9. Consensual Relationship Policy. (Faculty Document 2764) (first reading)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2018-10-01

Faculty Senate, Minutes, Agenda, 2018, 2019 
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