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Faculty Senate Minutes 2014-04-07

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document
April 7, 2014

Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. with 163 voting members present (107 needed for quorum).

1. A Memorial Resolution was presented for Professor Emeritus Larry G. Bundy. faculty document 2480

2. Chancellor Blank moved to change the order of Business so that New Business will precede Continuing Business to allow more time for discussion of the VCR/DGS Working Group Report. 
Motion Carried. 

3. Chancellor Blank presided over the presentation of the 2013-2014 Hilldale Awards.
The recipients are:
Elliott Sober (Philosophy) Arts and Humanities 
Donata Oertel (Neuroscience) Biological Sciences 
Thomas F. Kuech (Chemical and Biological Engineering) Physical Sciences 
Donald A. Downs (Political Science) Social Studies

4. Announcements/Informational Items:
Chancellor Blank announced:
a. She will be appointing an Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate School to allow adequate time for the search(es) that will need to take place once the recommendations about the VCR/DGS position are approved.
b. She hopes to have announcement very soon regarding the successful hire of a new Provost.
c.We have new Dean of Pharmacy.
d. International Studies Dean candidates will be announced very soon.

5. Question Period
There were no questions.

6. Minutes of 3 March 2014 were approved as distributed in advance of the meeting.

7. Phil O’Leary, Chair of the Committee on Committees slates of candidates for faculty-elected committees.faculty document 2481
The nominees are:

Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits
Randolph Ashton, Biomedical Engineering-Physical Sciences
Amit Gandhi, Economics-Social Studies
Christopher Livanos, Comparative Literature-Arts and Humanities
Kurt Paulsen, Urban and Regional Planning-Social Studies
David Thomas, Animal Science-Biological Sciences
Barry Van Veen, Electrical & Computer Engineering-Physical Sciences
Jessica Weeks, Political Science-No Divisional Affiliation
Jason Yackee, Law- Social Studies

There were no nominations from the floor.

Chancellor Balnk declared the nominations for the Commmission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits closed. 

Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
Baron Chanda, Neuroscience-Biological Sciences
Herbert Chen, Surgery-Biological Sciences
J. Michael Collins, Human Ecology-Social Studies.
Also in the School of Human Ecology, Dept. of Consumer Science and La Follette, School of Public Affairs in Letters and Science. Faculty Director, Center for Financial Security
Susan Lederer, Medical History and Bioethics-Arts and Humanities
Michael Plesha, Engineering Physics-Physical Sciences
Howard Schweber, Political Science-Social Studies

There were no nominations from the floor.

Chancellor Blank declared the nominations for the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities closed.

Library Committee
Cecile Ane, Botany and Statistics-Biological Sciences
Duncan Carlsmith, Physics-Physical Sciences
Dante Fratta, Civil and Environmental Engineering-Physical Sciences
Eneida Mendonca, Biostatistics and Medical Informatics-Biological Sciences

There were no more nominations from the floor.

Chancellor Blank declared the nominations for the Library Committee closed.

University Committee
Thomas Broman, History Of Science-Arts and Humanities
Amy Charkowski, Plant Pathology-Biological Sciences
Joseph Kemnitz, Cell and Regenerative Biology-Biological Sciences
Amy Wendt, Electrical and Computer Engineering-Physical Sciences

There were no more nominations from the floor. 

Chancellor Blank declared the nominations for the University Committee closed.

8. Phil O’Leary, Chair of the Committee on Committees announced the slates of candidates for the Committee on Committees. faculty document 2482.
The nominees are:
Biological Sciences candidates:
Kurt Amann, Zoology, District 77
Michael Gould, Oncology, District 93

Social Studies candidate:
Amy Bellmore, Educational Psychology, District 30

There were no nominations from the floor. 

Chancellor Blank declared the nominations for the Committee on Committees closed. 

Elections for elected committees will be conducted electronically later this month. 


9. Jo Ellen Fair, University Committee member, presented the first reading of several FPP revisions: Sections 6.02., 6.05., 6.22., 6.26., 6.27., 6.28., 6.30., 6.42., 6.46., 6.48., 6.49., 6.50, 6.52. and 6.58. The purpose of the changes is to allow for classified staff representation on joint governance committees. These revisions will be voted on at the May Senate meeting.
faculty document 2484

10. On behalf of the University Committee, Jo Ellen Fair moved to accept the report of the Working Group on the leadership changes in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate School. faculty document 2483.

In making the motion, Jo Ellen noted that her motion is to accept the report, not adopt the recommendations in the report. She offered the Working Group many thanks for their work in preparing the report. 

With comments from today’s discussion, another town hall meeting and consultation from a variety of stakeholders on the campus, the University Committee will present its own set of recommendations for consideration and adoption at the May Senate meeting.

Extensive discussion ensued. The motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William A. Heiss, M.S.S.W.
Interim Secretary of the Faculty

KeywordsFaculty senate, Faculty policies and procedures, april 7 2014   Doc ID52850
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2015-06-19 13:07:16Updated2023-12-07 17:39:06
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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