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Faculty Senate Minutes 2012-03-05

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document

March 5, 2012

The meeting was called to order by Interim Chancellor David Ward at 3:33 p.m. with 164 voting members present.
1. Memorial resolutions were presented for:
Professor Emeritus Emmett L. Bennett Jr. faculty document 2320
Professor Emeritus Richard C. Berry. faculty document 2321
Professor Emeritus Francesco Cerrina. faculty document 2322
Professor Emeritus Bernard Harris. faculty document 2323
Professor Emeritus Ronald H. Laessig. faculty document 2324
Professor Emeritus William Stilwell. faculty document 2325
2. Announcements/Informational Items.
Professor Ann Hoyt reported to the senate about the Great People Scholarship campaign and the contributions made to it by the University Book Store.  A member of the book store’s board presented Chancellor Ward with a $50,000 check as an additional contribution for the scholarship program.
Professor Brad Barham spoke about the PROFS handout that was distributed at the door and about proposed legislation that would affect the Wisconsin Retirement System.
3. Question Period.
There were no questions.
4. The minutes of 6 February 2012 were approved as distributed.
5. Professor Peter Vranas submitted for informational purposes the Archives Committee Annual Report for 2010-2011. faculty document 2314
There were no questions.
6. Chancellor Ward called attention to the report of the nominations of faculty for election to the Committee on Committees. The nominees are:
Arts and Humanities Division
Professor Ivy Corfis, Spanish and Portuguese (District 73)
Professor Paula Gottlieb, Philosophy (District 66)
Biological Sciences Division
Professor Bruce Thomadsen, Medical Physics (District 88)
Professor William Tracy, Agronomy (District 4)
There were no additional nominations from the floor.
Chancellor Ward declared the nominations closed.  Electronic balloting information will be distributed to the senators in late March.
7. Professor Adam Gamoran submitted for informational purposes the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits Annual Report for 2010-2011. faculty document 2327
There were several comments.
8. Professor Barham moved to adopt the University Committee Recommendation to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.48. Recreational Sports Board Membership. faculty document 2319
Assistant Professor Noah Feinstein (District 27) moved to amend the motion by adding the following language: “The chair shall be chosen by the committee from among the faculty members appointed pursuant to section A.1.  The committee may also, at its discretion, appoint a student or academic staff member appointed pursuant to A.2. and A.3. to serve as co-chair.”
The motion to amend was seconded.
The motion to amend passed by voice vote.
The amended motion passed by voice vote.
9. Professor Barham moved to adopt the Resolution in Support of Course Materials as Intellectual Property. faculty document 2328
There was significant discussion.
Professor Grace Wahba (District 74) moved to postpone action on the resolution until the April
senate meeting.
The motion to postpone was seconded.
The motion to postpone passed by voice vote.
10. Professor Bruce Thomadsen (District 88) move to adopt his Resolution Regarding the Wisconsin Retirement System. faculty document 2329
The motion was seconded.
The motion passed by voice vote.
11. Professor Barham moved to adopt the University Committee Recommendation to Amend the Academic Calendar for 2011-2016. faculty document 2081b
There were several comments and questions.
The motion passed by hand vote.
The meeting adjourned at 4:41 p.m.
David Musolf
Secretary of the Faculty

faculty policies and procedures 
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