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Faculty Senate Minutes 2010-11-01

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document

November 1, 2010

The meeting was called to order by Provost Paul DeLuca at 3:31 p.m. with 155 voting members present.
1. Memorial resolutions were presented for:
Professor Emeritus Richard F. Bristol. faculty document 2217 
Professor Emeritus Robert L. Grilley. faculty document 2218
Professor Emeritus Clifford “Skip” Johnson. faculty document 2219
Professor Emeritus Arthur Lloyd Pope. faculty document 2220
Dean and Professor Emeritus Glenn S. Pound. faculty document 2221
2.Announcements/Informational Items.
Provost DeLuca updated the senate on the status of searches for the deans of law, business and
continuing studies.
Professor Ann Palmenberg updated the senate on the status of the search for the vice chancellor for research and dean of the Graduate School.
3. Question Period. 
There were no questions. 
4. The minutes of 4 October 2010 were approved as distributed.
5. Provost DeLuca called attention to the informational report on the membership of the Faculty Consultative Committee on Financial Emergency for 2010-2011, as required by Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.36.
There were no questions or comments.
6. Professor Sandra Ward submitted for informational purposes the Lectures Committee Annual Report for 2009-2010. faculty document 2222.
There were no questions or comments.
7. Professor Burstyn moved to adopt the University Committee Recommendation to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures to Permit the Appointment of Academic Staff to Serve as Co-Chairs of the Committee on Retirement Issues and the Committee on Women in the University. faculty document 2216
There were no questions or comments.
The motion passed by hand vote.
8. Professor Burstyn moved to adopt the University Committee Recommendation to Adopt a Framework for the External Consultant Evaluation for UW-Madison RFP #11-5289. faculty document 2223.
There were several questions.
The motion passed by hand vote.
9. Professor Burstyn presented for discussion the first reading of the University Committee Recommendation to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures to Create the WARF Resource Request and Allocations Committee. faculty document 2224.
There were no questions or comments.
10. Professor Burstyn presented for discussion the first reading of the University Committee Recommendation to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures to Create the Research, Safety and Compliance Oversight Committee. faculty document 2225.
There were two questions.
The meeting adjourned at 4:11 p.m.
David Musolf
Secretary of the Faculty

Faculty policies and procedures 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty