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Faculty Senate Minutes 2010-05-03

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document

May 3, 2010

The meeting was called to order by Chancellor Biddy Martin at 3:33 p.m. with 164 voting members present.
1. Memorial resolutions were presented for:
Associate Professor Emeritus Leroy Brown. faculty document 2193
Professor Emerita Dorothy J. Douglas. faculty document 2194
Professor (CHS) Emeritus John Frederick Kreul. faculty document 2195
Associate Professor Emerita Meryl Miles. faculty document 2196
Professor Emerita Margaret Ward Orsini. faculty document 2197
2. Announcements/Informational Items.
Chancellor Martin spoke about the recent regional conference of university leaders from the Midwest region to discuss the future of public research universities.
Professor Judith Burstyn, 2010-2011 University Committee chair, thanked outgoing members Professor Emeritus Dennis Maki and Professor William Tracy for their service on the University Committee.
Professor William Tracy updated the senate about the University Committee’s efforts to develop a decision item narrative to address graduate student funding issues, and about PROFS’ successful initiative that resulted in an amendment to state Senate Bill 523, which added language to protect academic freedom.
3. Question Period.
There were no questions.
4. The minutes of 12 April 2010 were approved as distributed.
5. Chancellor Martin called attention to the Report of Elections to UW-Madison Faculty Committees for 2010-2011. faculty document 2198.
There were no questions or comments.
6. Professor Dale Bjorling submitted for informational purposes the Athletic Board Annual Report for 2008-2009. faculty document 2199.
7. Professor Patrick Walsh and Ms. Joan Irwin submitted for informational purposes the Retirement Issues Committee Annual Reports for 2008-2009 and 2009-2010. faculty document 2200.
There were two questions.
8. Assistant Professor Nicholas Balster submitted for informational purposes the Teaching Academy Annual Report for 2008-2009. faculty document 2201.
There was one comment.
9. Professor William Tracy submitted for informational purposes the University Committee Annual Report for 2008-2009. faculty document 2202.
There were no questions or comments.
10. Professor Tracy moved to adopt the Motion to Restructure the UW-Madison’s Research Enterprise. faculty document 2190b.
Professor John Sharpless (District 60) moved to amend the motion by adding a fifth
recommendation to read:
“The Graduate Faculty Executive Committee will have representation on any committee
charged with deliberations concerning either graduate education at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison or the GFEC itself.”
The motion to amend was seconded.
The motion to amend passed by voice vote.
Professor Ronald Kalil (Ophthalmology) moved to amend the amended motion by adding the
following sentence to the end of paragraph A, recommendation II:
“Should a search be undertaken for the new integrated position, the current dean of the
Graduate School shall ensure continuity in the leadership of the school as the restructuring
of the research enterprise gets underway.”
The motion to amend was seconded.
Associate Professor Howard Schweber (District 68) moved to amend Professor Kalil’s
amendment by substituting the following language:
“During the period of restructuring, and pending the hiring of a new vice chancellor in
charge of research, the presently serving dean of the Graduate School shall remain in
that office.”
The motion to amend the amendment was seconded.
The motion to amend the amendment failed by voice vote.
Professor Kalil’s motion to amend failed by voice vote.
Professor Cyrena Pondrom (District 55) moved to amend the amended motion by striking the
word “annually” from the first sentence of paragraph C, recommendation I, and by inserting the
following sentence after the first sentence of said paragraph:
“The normal term of each appointee shall be three years, but members shall be selected
initially and thereafter to ensure staggered terms.”
The motion to amend was seconded.
The motion to amend passed by voice vote.
Discussion of the motion continued.
Professor James Blanchard (District 41) moved to amend the amended motion by rewording the
beginning of the second sentence of paragraph C, recommendation IV, as follows:
“Responsibility for pre-award negotiation of industrial contracts will reside...”
The motion to amend was seconded.
The motion to amend passed without negative vote.
The original motion as amended passed by voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
David Musolf
Secretary of the Faculty
Following are the results of the Spring 2010 elections for standing committees:
 W. Chess Adams (Surgical Sciences) 280
 William Boissonnault (Orthopedics and Rehabilitation) 265
*Richard Keller (Medical History and Bioethics) 345
*Alan Lockwood (Curriculum and Instruction) 264
*Ann Macguidwin (Plant Pathology) 335
 Patrick Rumble (French and Italian) 260
* denotes elected candidate (Note: A. Lockwood was elected instead of W. Adams or W. Boissonnault due
   to divisional representation limits)
There were 699 ballots cast for this committee election.  Continuing members and their remaining terms:
Michele Basso – Associate Professor, Physiology; biological sciences; one year
Thomas Dale – Professor, Art History; arts and humanities; two years
Adam Gamoran – Professor, Sociology; social studies; two years
David Hogg – Professor, Entomology; biological sciences; one year
Eric Raimy – Assistant Professor, English; arts and humanities; one year
Donald Stone – Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering; physical sciences; two years
*Dominique Brossard (Life Sciences Communication) 325
 Thomas Cravens (French and Italian) 192
 Gary Green (Community and Environmental Sociology) 240
*Mary Layoun (Comparative Literature) 337
*Thatcher Root (Chemical and Biological Engineering) 325
 John Karl Scholz (Economics) 315
* denotes elected candidate
There were 692 ballots cast for this committee election.  Continuing members and their remaining terms:
Lynn Nyhart – Professor, History of Science; arts and humanities; two years
George Phillips – Professor, Biochemistry; physical sciences; two years
Parameswaran Ramanathan – Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; physical sciences; one year
Hans Sollinger – Professor, Surgery; biological sciences; one year
Karen Steudel – Professor, Zoology; biological sciences; two years
Tom Yin – Professor, Physiology; biological sciences; one year
Biological Sciences Division
 Rao Adibhatla (Neurological Surgery) 239
*Eileen Cullen (Entomology) 316
Physical Sciences Division
*A. Baha Balantekin (Physics) 301
 James Davis (Engineering Professional Development) 289
* denotes elected candidate
There were 631 ballots cast for this committee election.  Continuing members and their remaining terms:
Timothy Allen – Professor, Botany; biological sciences; one year
Ivy Corfis – Professor, Spanish and Portuguese; arts and humanities; one year
Cynthia Jasper – Professor, Human Ecology; social studies; three years
Ernesto Livorni – Professor, French and Italian; arts and humanities; two years
John Pfotenhauer – Professor, Mechanical Engineering; physical sciences; three years
David Weimer – Professor, Public Affairs / Political Science; social studies; two years
*Peter Lipton (Physiology-SMPH) 349
*Ann Palmenberg (Biochemistry-CALS) 487
 Joseph Salmons (German-L&S) 255
 Margarita Zamora (Spanish and Portuguese-L&S) 287
* denotes elected candidate
There were 743 ballots cast for this committee election.  Continuing members and their remaining terms:
Susan Babcock – Professor, Materials Science and Engineering (ENGR); physical sciences; two years
Bradford Barham – Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics (CALS); social studies; two years
Judith Burstyn – Professor, Chemistry (L&S); physical sciences; one year
Gail Geiger – Professor, Art History (L&S); arts and humanities; one year
Biological Sciences Division
*Brent McCown (Horticulture) 62
 Donald Wiebe (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine) 25
Social Studies Division
*Maribeth Gettinger (Educational Psychology) 45
 John Sharpless (History) 31
* denotes elected candidate (B. McCown to serve a four-year term; M. Gettinger to serve a one-year term)
There were 88 ballots cast for this committee election.  Continuing members and their remaining terms:
Members elected by the Faculty Senate
Thomas Broman – Associate Professor, History of Science / Medical History and Bioethics; arts and
humanities; two years
Stephen Nelsen – Professor, Chemistry; physical sciences; three years
Members appointed by the divisional committees
Mary Elizabeth Graue – Professor, Curriculum and Instruction; social studies; three years
Bret Larget – Associate Professor, Botany; biological sciences; two years
Ellen Sapega – Professor, arts and humanities; one year
Current University Committee members
Susan Babcock – Professor, Materials Science and Engineering; physical sciences
Gail Geiger – Professor, Art History; arts and humanities

faculty senate policies and procedures 
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Owned by:
Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty